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What Do The Climate Change Activists Want And What Do They Suggest We Do To Achieve It?

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dave50 | 12:29 Mon 08th Nov 2021 | News
81 Answers
They always say they want more done to combat climate change but there are never any specifics. Looking at most of the banners you see on the marchers it seems its more about socialism and anti capitalism rather than the climate which is what I have suspected all along.


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To be a CCA, you need an unassaible level of arrogance and self-importance. Your default position is that only you, and people who think like you, actually understand what is going on in the world - everyone else is just a stupid ignorant moron who doesn't care, and is happy to blunder into the apocolypse without a care in the world. Of course, this is as fatuous...
12:44 Mon 08th Nov 2021
Earlier you were lauding Sir David's knowledge, now because he disagrees with you, it seems that is not sufficient to cause you to reconsider your stance.

Oh well.
Mozz, when you meet an immovable object, an all seeing eye and a mind that knows the thoughts of many thousands they have never met - it's sometimes best to withdraw and crochet a string dishcloth or something.
Mamya, I've never been sensible enough to leave well alone. Despite all the disagreements with Naomi and Tora over the last few years, I'm still a glutton for punishment. ;-)
I wish the activists would glue themselves to the roads in Glasgow while they're up in the North, and the police refuse to free them. They'd soon tire of it.
I have no time for those who glue themselves to this and that Hazi, we agree there but there have been very broad sweeps of the brush on this thread - to a degree that's either quite impressive or quite ridiculous.
Yes, they certainly would soon get tired...Or, as you say in the UK, tyred.
Mozz, it's not that Sir David disagrees with me, rather more that he agrees with the circus.

But then we all have the right to think as we wish, and to adjust our options in the light of new facts and evidence of which we were not aware previously.
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I did hear a news item on TV a few days ago to the effect that because the industrial revolution started in this country, we are somehow to blame for climate change and it is our responsibility to take the lead in going carbon neutral. I have no link, sorry, I don't know if anyone else heard it but it was absolutely bonkers.
AH, //Mozz, I am willing to listen to anyone who I think actually knows what they are talking about from a scientific point of view. //

How would you know they know what they're talking about from a scientific point of view?

Mozz, regarding your disagreements with me, I get the distinct impression that quite often you disagree with me simply because I am me.
Mozz, I haven't watched Sir David's video, I tend to steer clear of 'climate change' videos.

And there we have your whole ethos and viewpoint in one all encompassing statement
Unwilling to listen to the facts but without watching it you know all about Attenborough and his stance and how he has no affiliation to CCA’s

Stickybottle - //
Mozz, I haven't watched Sir David's video, I tend to steer clear of 'climate change' videos.

And there we have your whole ethos and viewpoint in one all encompassing statement
Unwilling to listen to the facts but without watching it you know all about Attenborough and his stance and how he has no affiliation to CCA’s //

Are you ignoring my request for you to define the 'hyporcisy' in anything I have said thus far?

Doing so simply underlines my point - that you like to use insulting words, even if you have no idea what they actually mean.

That makes taking anything you say as laughable even easier.
Naomi - //Mozz, regarding your disagreements with me, I get the distinct impression that quite often you disagree with me simply because I am me.//

Don't flatter youself, I don't disagree with anyone as a matter of course, only with what is said. We have very different ideals, it's only natural that our clashes will be frequent. I do sometimes agree with you (and Tora too), and will also post those too. ☺
andy I think the hypocracy reference was more something seen by an ironic statement of "...To be a CCA, you need an unassaible level of arrogance and self-importance. Your default position is that only you, and people who think like you, actually understand what is going on in the world - everyone else is just a stupid"
Not saying I agree or disagree, Ive no view, but thats how I interpreted the hypocracy comment
//I did hear a news item on TV a few days ago to the effect that because the industrial revolution started in this country, we are somehow to blame for climate change and it is our responsibility to take the lead in going carbon neutral.//

That' certainly the view of some of the "developing" countries, dave (a list that includes China - the second largest economy in the world). Their notion is that because we burnt coal for 200 years or so and they began doing so relatively late on, they must now be given the opportunity to "catch up." China is certainly doing its bit in that respect and burns more coal than the rest of the world put together.

In view of the relatively short time that climate change and burning things have been linked, it seems a bit of a strange idea. Apparently because the "developed" nations burned coal for a long time during most of which its harmful effects were unknown, the so-called developing nations must be allowed to do so for a similar period, even though the harm it causes are now said to be known.

Smoking tobacco was only discovered to be harmful to health in the 1960s. Anybody taking up smoking after that discovery could equally claim the right to continue smoking so as to allow them as much time to smoke as those who did so in ignorance of the dangers. Funny old world.

This "note" was sent by China's President Xi to the COP26 conference in Glasgow (which he declined to attend):

"Developed countries not only need to do more in their own countries, but also need to provide support to developing countries in order to help them do better.”

It's not clear from that whether he includes his country among those said to be "developing" but I think he does. If so, I'm not sure what help he wants us to provide so that he can stop opening new coal fired power stations at the rate of about one every ten days.
Bob, thanks for the explanation, which may be true, Stickybottle has yet to respond.

In my defence, I don't expect everyone to agree with me, or look down on those who don't .

You don't last twenty-one years and counting on here with an approach like that.
Mozz, I’m not flattering myself. Simply observing you climbing up your own bottom on a regular basis.
//Mozz, I’m not flattering myself. Simply observing you climbing up your own bottom on a regular basis.//

Regularly in reaction to you talking out of yours I expect.
Ahhh … there you go. What a surprise. :o)
"If i was earning my money by hewing coal i would be very glad indeed to stop.But i'm not.i'm swanning round the world looking at the most fabulously interesting things.such good fortune"A 2013 quote by sir david attenborough.

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