Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
What Do The Climate Change Activists Want And What Do They Suggest We Do To Achieve It?
They always say they want more done to combat climate change but there are never any specifics. Looking at most of the banners you see on the marchers it seems its more about socialism and anti capitalism rather than the climate which is what I have suspected all along.
To be a CCA, you need an unassaible level of arrogance and self- importance. Your default position is that only you, and people who think like you, actually understand what is going on in the world - everyone else is just a stupid ignorant moron who doesn't care, and is happy to blunder into the apocolypse without a care in the world. Of course, this is as fatuous...
12:44 Mon 08th Nov 2021
To be a CCA, you need an unassaible level of arrogance and self-importance.
Your default position is that only you, and people who think like you, actually understand what is going on in the world - everyone else is just a stupid ignorant moron who doesn't care, and is happy to blunder into the apocolypse without a care in the world.
Of course, this is as fatuous as it is arrogant, but that is how climate chamgers view the world.
What they want is for the people they see as the cause of the problem, stupid blinkered ignorant politicians, to wake up and 'do smething' before it is all too late.
That of course is as simplistic as it is arrogant, again the hallmark of the terminally self-obsessed who make a lot of noise to mask their own deep-seated insecurities, and the dreadful fear that they may go through life not being noticed.
The simple fact is, if the science is to be believed, and I am not at all sure that the measures called for, to 'reduce emmissions' will actually stop the earth heating up anyway, then the solutions are anything but simple.
The changes needed by the civilsed world in the way it lives and operates, as seen by the 'changers' are so fundamental and drastic that there is not a hope in hell of them being implemented.
Every single measure the zealots want to put in place creates either costs rising, or fundamental livestyle changes. or both, for the world.
Given that human nature is that people don't want changes that make them either miserable, or poorer, or both, have no chance of getting off the ground, the current obsession with 'climate change' is nothing more than a gigantic waste of time and effort.
Taking into account that the two biggest creators of pollution - China and Russia, are happy to siply ignore giant talkng shops where everyone jets in to hand-wring and promise differences which will never happen, the whole nonsense should be seen for what it is - attention-seeking self-aggrandaisement by people who have far too much time on their hands, and the willingness to make a lost cause their life's work, and make as much noise and cause as much inconvenience as they can doing it.
Your default position is that only you, and people who think like you, actually understand what is going on in the world - everyone else is just a stupid ignorant moron who doesn't care, and is happy to blunder into the apocolypse without a care in the world.
Of course, this is as fatuous as it is arrogant, but that is how climate chamgers view the world.
What they want is for the people they see as the cause of the problem, stupid blinkered ignorant politicians, to wake up and 'do smething' before it is all too late.
That of course is as simplistic as it is arrogant, again the hallmark of the terminally self-obsessed who make a lot of noise to mask their own deep-seated insecurities, and the dreadful fear that they may go through life not being noticed.
The simple fact is, if the science is to be believed, and I am not at all sure that the measures called for, to 'reduce emmissions' will actually stop the earth heating up anyway, then the solutions are anything but simple.
The changes needed by the civilsed world in the way it lives and operates, as seen by the 'changers' are so fundamental and drastic that there is not a hope in hell of them being implemented.
Every single measure the zealots want to put in place creates either costs rising, or fundamental livestyle changes. or both, for the world.
Given that human nature is that people don't want changes that make them either miserable, or poorer, or both, have no chance of getting off the ground, the current obsession with 'climate change' is nothing more than a gigantic waste of time and effort.
Taking into account that the two biggest creators of pollution - China and Russia, are happy to siply ignore giant talkng shops where everyone jets in to hand-wring and promise differences which will never happen, the whole nonsense should be seen for what it is - attention-seeking self-aggrandaisement by people who have far too much time on their hands, and the willingness to make a lost cause their life's work, and make as much noise and cause as much inconvenience as they can doing it.
Well, according to Saint Greta - none more 'active' than her - referring to the recent meeting of world leaders, “you can shove your climate crisis up your ***”
That'll help.
https:/ /www.in depende nt.co.u k/clima te-chan ge/news /greta- thunber g-cop26 -swear- b195064 4.html
I'm with you, dave. Political activists - and not of the best sort.
That'll help.
I'm with you, dave. Political activists - and not of the best sort.
Barrack Obama has flown from the USA to tell everyone that the world 'needs to do something'.
Apart from the fact that both his predecessor and his successor both refused to have anything to do with 'climate change' and withdrew his country from the organisation set up to deal with it, I could have emailed sentiment for free and saved him the time, trouble, and expense of jetting across the world to do it, leaving a trail of pollution behind him as he did so.
But come to think of it, he could have done that as well.
There's a thought...
Apart from the fact that both his predecessor and his successor both refused to have anything to do with 'climate change' and withdrew his country from the organisation set up to deal with it, I could have emailed sentiment for free and saved him the time, trouble, and expense of jetting across the world to do it, leaving a trail of pollution behind him as he did so.
But come to think of it, he could have done that as well.
There's a thought...
Here's the COP26 protest, note the biggest flags and the unison flag, what do these have to do with climate change?
https:/ /ibb.co /SP9TpW R
dave50 'What Do The Climate Change Activists Want And What Do They Suggest We Do To Achieve It?'
I suggest perhaps what they may want, assuming 'they' have a collective message for the world is..
The history of the scientific discovery of climate change began in the early 19th century when ice ages and other natural changes in paleoclimate were first suspected and the natural greenhouse effect was first identified.
In the 1800s, experiments suggesting that human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases could collect in the atmosphere and insulate Earth were met with more curiosity than concern. By the late 1950s, CO2 readings would offer some of the first data to corroborate the global warming theory.
Worth a read..
https:/ /mercme ssenger .com/fu ture-sh ock-and -prepar ing-to- adapt-t o-clima te-chan ge
We’re afraid to face up to the future. We want to flee from it instead of engage it. It seems too daunting for us to contemplate. And the deniers provide fanatical opposition we don’t seem to have the grit to challenge. We’re in a state of paralysis, a state of “future shock,” as Alvin Toffler described it in his book of the same name.
When Toffler wrote Future Shock in 1961-1962, he defined a psychological condition that most people in the world were suffering through even then, but trying to deny — the emotional confusion, anxiety and revulsion caused by a world that is changing too fast for us to cope with in a way that feels calmly rational and practical.
I first read Future Shock in 1971 and was struck by the very first paragraph. “This is a book about what happens to people when they are overwhelmed by change. It’s about the ways in which we adapt — or fail to adapt — to the future.” Global warming is a Toffleresque moment in history, one in which “the roaring current of change, a current so powerful today that it overwhelms institutions, shifts our values and shrivels our roots.” And it’s all come glaringly into public consciousness in an historical blink of the eye. We’ve gone from a world to which our species has adapted to the threat of a world that will be radically inhospitable to how we presently live our lives and earn our livings.
I suggest perhaps what they may want, assuming 'they' have a collective message for the world is..
The history of the scientific discovery of climate change began in the early 19th century when ice ages and other natural changes in paleoclimate were first suspected and the natural greenhouse effect was first identified.
In the 1800s, experiments suggesting that human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases could collect in the atmosphere and insulate Earth were met with more curiosity than concern. By the late 1950s, CO2 readings would offer some of the first data to corroborate the global warming theory.
Worth a read..
We’re afraid to face up to the future. We want to flee from it instead of engage it. It seems too daunting for us to contemplate. And the deniers provide fanatical opposition we don’t seem to have the grit to challenge. We’re in a state of paralysis, a state of “future shock,” as Alvin Toffler described it in his book of the same name.
When Toffler wrote Future Shock in 1961-1962, he defined a psychological condition that most people in the world were suffering through even then, but trying to deny — the emotional confusion, anxiety and revulsion caused by a world that is changing too fast for us to cope with in a way that feels calmly rational and practical.
I first read Future Shock in 1971 and was struck by the very first paragraph. “This is a book about what happens to people when they are overwhelmed by change. It’s about the ways in which we adapt — or fail to adapt — to the future.” Global warming is a Toffleresque moment in history, one in which “the roaring current of change, a current so powerful today that it overwhelms institutions, shifts our values and shrivels our roots.” And it’s all come glaringly into public consciousness in an historical blink of the eye. We’ve gone from a world to which our species has adapted to the threat of a world that will be radically inhospitable to how we presently live our lives and earn our livings.
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