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Car Explosion Outside Liverpool Hospital

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webbo3 | 17:04 Sun 14th Nov 2021 | News
86 Answers

Car bomb maybe.

Anyone from Liverpool on here who have heard anything more?


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Bobb, leave it - some just love to be unnecessarily rude, asking them why is futile.
TOGO, you stated, "Saying what we know and believe is subject to scrutiny by weekend zealots on the control panel."

The lack of knowledge and belief is evidenced by your stating, "we owe that taxi driver our eternal thanks" and SPICERACK's presumption that, "the driver was 'in on it'"

They cannot both be correct, can they?
Only in your echo chamber c****loon. I did not postulate both viewpoints. The poster who had most correct presumptions was "answere removed" as far as I can see. But hey ho, despite our proud moniker we are not actually looking for "asnwers".
The taxi driver noticed the device, and locked the door to stop the man getting out. There has been a fundraising page set up to raise money for him by his friends and neighbours in Liverpool.
"I did not postulate both viewpoints." I didn't say you had, I was pointing out the speculation from at least one person.
Three men have been arrested under the Terrorism Act. Surprise, surprise!

A former anti-terrorism coordinator said on the news that the circumstances - apparent bombing, on Remembrance Sunday - meant that MI5 would be involved at an early stage but that was precautionary. It's easier to scale back an investigation than it is to scale up at a later stage.
Looks like TTT was correct. No surprise there. No surprise at some of TTT's attackers either.
Bearing in mind how quickly the police arrested three people (not at the scene of the incident) I wonder if this is another case of people being under surveillance or investigation - isn't it time they rounded up all those and kept them where they could cause no harm or deport them if not British nationals?
From the reports, I thought the driver had got out the taxi before the explosion but having seen a video, he was in it still when it went off.

He's a very lucky man.
I saw that piece of video this am Corby. Indeed he was very lucky .
The full circumstances will no doubt be public knowledge soon. Waste of time speculating.
Lankeela, //I wonder if this is another case of people being under surveillance or investigation //

I don't doubt it.
Well done those individuals who ( ran towards) the danger of a burning car .
I'm surprised that the taxi driver wasn't more seriously injured.
Probably due to the amount of explosive in the device and the bombers position at the time of detonation, Danny. If it was in his lap and he was turning his body to exit the cab, he may have inadvertently shielded the cabbie from the full force of the explosion?
If i was the driver, i'd be putting an extra couple of quid on the Lottery this week.
If they’re all so desperate for martyrdom a good idea would be to stand in a line holding hands and then press a detonator , and he was from the Middle East, quell surprise!
Unknown to the SF, though.
He was , be interesting to see if the other 4 were Ken
And they're now surmising that the IED only partly exploded and wasn't a high explosive. Which would explain the 'minor' injuries to the driver.

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