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Car Explosion Outside Liverpool Hospital

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webbo3 | 17:04 Sun 14th Nov 2021 | News
86 Answers

Car bomb maybe.

Anyone from Liverpool on here who have heard anything more?


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Brigadier on the sauce again?
Who’s brigadier?
I don't really like someone who has an avatar who is pointing a gun!
Doubt he was ever off the sauce .
Someone’s on the sauce but it’s not TTT.
Mamya why are you telling TTT off, are you a mod ??
haven't touched a drop but I like the name "brigadier" - if that is indeed me who is being referred to.
18:31 it's only Dirty Harry, that's his trademark !
I didn't tell him off, gave some good advice.

No, I am not.
mamy, get over yourself love, you're the last person I'd ever take advice from.
I know, you've told me enough times.

I was qualifying my reply as an answer to someone else.
Just seems a bit strange to me to tell an adult off, or 'offer advice', if you're not a mod ...

In a matter so serious I felt that knowing what had happened certainly merited being passed on.

Sorry you find it strange.
Oh that's ok.
Oh that's ok.
That's the second time today an answer of mine has come out twice !!
Rumour on the streets of L'pool is that the taxi was booked to a Cathedral. The hospital is near to a Cathedral that was holding a Remembrace Service. As they got closer to the booked destination the "passenger" became more agitated and began to recite "well known phrases". The driver pulled up and began to flee. The taxi exploded and the driver was injured, and the occupant is still being searched for . Only rumour as yet thankfully.
If rumours true ,hopefully Driver will be OK and passenger found among the wreckage.

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