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Would The French Ever Agree To Solving The Migrant Problem?

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ToraToraTora | 12:15 Fri 26th Nov 2021 | News
86 Answers
...This would fix it in short order but I can't see the French agreeing, too much like common sense.


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France seem shortsighted on Al this to me. Surely they see the channel is a magnet that draws many thousands to Calais turning it in to a big dump and causing travelers across France. Stop the dinghies, clear the sites in calaise and in time the message will get through. TTT is right. Boris is right but hid delivery is rubbish. To be fair tho am sure his team has...
10:53 Sat 27th Nov 2021
Giving France £55million hasn’t/isn’t working.
douglas has a point, a Wall along the middle of the Channel would solve the problem.
We need work WITH France.
Not throw money at them.
Not send high profile demands across the channel.
Boris Johnson has the diplomatic nous of a deflated dinghy.
This isn’t something the UK can handle alone, plainly
A giant wave machine.
Border staff in jet skis.
And new man Steve Barclay has suggested bombarding migrants with messages on social media telling them to stay away.
This ridiculous man -the PM of England, thinks its acceptable to 'tweet' a letter to the head of another country, without first even sending it to him -an open letter on Twitter??

He has seriously lost the plot and tweeting the letter was pure posturing, trying to show the British public he's not just about Peppa Pig. I, as any leader of a country, would do exactly the same as Macron has done and treat him like the child he is. He is not grown up enough to join the big boys in their meeting. Anyone defending his actions on this letter must be mad or in complete denial.

Come on all you Boris Babes -defend this idiotic action. Why did Boris Tweet an open letter to the president of another country rather than contact him privately?
Well said.
And the Home Secretary has been excluded from a meeting of ministers as a result. Ok arguably that is not a constructive response but perhaps you can only push people so far
The job of any Border Patrol agency is to prevent people illegally entering a country. Not legally leaving one. The onus is on us, not the French.
As an aside, were the boot on the other foot, would any of you be happy to see French forces patrolling English beaches?
Well this proves its easy to find fault with any ideas but far far harder to actually come up with a posative suggestion that will be workable
I would imagine Boris Johnson tweeted because that's what his great pal, Donald Trump, used to do when he was President.
"The job of any Border Patrol agency is to prevent people illegally entering a country. Not legally leaving one. The onus is on us, not the French. "

It is a humanitarian issue tho. These people should never be allowed to leave the French coast. Easier said than done, but a lot easier than trying to do it mid-channel. Cooperation with France is plainly needed, but as discussed above the management of that is hopeless.
the letter was a good excuse for macron, gifted by boris sadly
macron would never have agreed anyway, to either a return of illegals or joint beach patrols, i would make macron look weak and honestly the french do not want them back simple as, a thousands could drown and they would still say no to returns or joint patrols, it's not really have humanity and lives, it's a problem they do not want, if they were really concerned they would have retuened them to the country they came from greece italy etc.
Maybe his tried asking Macron and got told where to go, so he published /tweeted the idea so at least we knew he was trying to find a solution
it was the other way round, bobb, he wrote a letter and popped it in the mailbox (or whatever great statesmen and diplomats do), then he tweeted the contents in time for them to ge tin the papers in the morning. So basically everyone in the world got to read his demands before Macron actually received the letter.

Not a great negotiating tactic, really.
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gromit: "Why don’t the UK solve their migrant problem themselves, instead of always expecting other countries to do it for us ? " - The suggested approach would solve the problem for both sides. The French prefer to be obstinate rather than logical.
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it was silly to use twitface etc but the suggestion was sound, it would empty Calais in weeks and solve the problem for both sides whilst taking away the income from the people smugglers, win win win. Pity The French cannot behave logically.
TTT Boris publicly Tweets a letter to a head of state yet // The French cannot behave logically.//

I presume you think Boris was being logical and sensible then? It's pointless saying the sentiment behind the letter was sound, because the very fact he's Tweeted the letter means the UK are probably not going to be allowed into the Migrant talks on Sunday.

Hurray! Boris has saved the say again -and even if the UK is banned from the Migrant meeting on Sunday as a result of his idiotic actions - we can still all sing Rule Britannia as really this is a win for the UK!

Boris needs to take a long holiday, along with those who think he's doing a sterling job as PM.
"it was silly to use twitface etc but the suggestion was sound2

Of course the idea is sound: so why spoil it?
You wonder if he actually wants a solution
Rule Britannia , I ain’t going anywhere :0)
Why would they? They don’t want them either.
The French hate us though because of Brexit ...

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