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Who Wants Masks?

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diddlydo | 06:55 Sun 28th Nov 2021 | News
233 Answers
Boris announced yesterday that masks are to be made compulsory again in shops. In the summer he said that there would be no going back on the relaxation of measures. Face masks are a complete waste of time given the way that most people wear them so how many will join me in this little bit of civil disobedience and refuse to wear them?


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exactly tsm, they need extra staff on if going to enforce it, and that isn't likely to happen.
I did go in a store a while back and got part way around realised I hadn't put my mask on but instead of just putting it on I went out of the shop to do it. I must be losing it in my old age lol.
And your civil disobedience will achieve what precisely?
Of course I'll wear a mask.
tsm, i rarely if ever wear one, they restrict my breathing somewhat, and i can guarantee if i do wear one, then i need to blow my nose because of the cold every few minutes, means i take it off.
What I find strange is that some, not all people who refuse to wear a mask here will happily go on holiday and wear one if that country say you have to.
I have worn mine when in busy shops, on public transport, and when in crowds I will carry on until we get a vaccine that stops transmission and prevents you catching covid. It's hardly onerous and it's the least I can do for the benefit of others.
Makes it a tad more difficult to be arrested Hoppy:-/
tsm, perhaps they have tougher restrictions abroad.
I agree Rowan
Do you wear a Ned Kelly, 1ozzie?
Or they do as they are asked to try and get on top of it.
No, I will wear one as instructed. I'll rather listen to the experts than someone on the interwebs who has a history of strange opinions on things.
I don’t see the point of this ‘civil disobedience thing. It’s not clever. Just petulant.
as been pointed out the wearing of them doesn't seem to have stopped the infection rates abroad, huge spike in Germany,
If I were as infamous as Ned I surely would Hoppy.
Self protection is paramount.
How do we know it wouldn’t have been worse without them? I don’t like wearing them but it’s no big deal. I do as i’m asked.
It's ok to bang on about freedoms but freedom has a flip side and it is social responsibility. I am a great believer in the old witches code of 'an it hurt none do as thou wilt' the stress is on the first part of the phrase not as many believe the second.
they have never gone away in Scotland
That's a good point Naomi. For all we know, covid rates could've been way higher without masks. There is absolutely no way to know if they've worked or not.

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