Question Author Sticky, we are the proverbial soft touch here, we all can accept that therefore we need to stop giving hand outs and putting the illegals up in hotels , they never appear to get sent back?
What about our own homeless people? we should be giving them the warmth of a hotel room and hot meals before pandering to those that think we have a land of milk and honey here
Totally agree Bobbi
Charity begins at home so let us sort out the homeless problems etc for the indigenous people
We are forever helping out others in crises but nobody ever helps us
We have a footballer on astronomical wages setting up a charity to feed hungry kids
Could he donate half of his eye watering salary to such a charity ?
I admire his reasoning but when it is from someone on such a salary and sponsorship money it just does not sit right
I cannot understand how anybody would want more money than they could ever spend in ten lifetimes
Arab nations through oil are some of the wealthiest on earth
Could they not donate a little to their neighbours ? They certainly have the space to house them !
Look at some of the vanity projects in places like Dubai ? Billions spent on scyscraper buildings and landscape projects
Plus if the government addressed corporate tax avoidance by the likes of Google etc we would be in a far better position
As I said on another thread it is diabolical that 1 percent of the worlds population owns 80 percent of its wealth
If there was less greed there would be less suffering
My neices class at school as just taken in a lad from Syria who came with he's family as asylum seekers. She say's his very smartly dressed and seems a lovely lad allways smiling but he cant speak a word of English so classmates take turns in lessons to pass messages on using Google translate to Arabic. The school as advertised for a fulltime Arabic speaking teaching assistant to work with him every lesson . Must be costing the council a fortune if this is happening alot.
And yet I don’t see these migrants turning left at Iran SB to go to Arab rich countries,how strange is that ?
Nope, it’s Greece,ItalyFrance and then the jackpot!
//As I said on another thread it is diabolical that 1 percent of the worlds population owns 80 percent of its wealth
If there was less greed there would be less suffering//
If you gathered all the money in the world into one pot and shared it out equally within a very short time you would end up with the wealthy and the poor again because some would use it wisely and some wouldn't. Financial equality is an unachievable pipedream.
Who mentioned financial equality ?
That would be impossible
But there is more than enough to go around for people to be comfortable and have 3 meals a day
Well most of us in UK are in the rich category as most of us are probably in the top few % of the world so how much should we give up stickybottle- maybe half our after tax income? Its a big ask when we have lots of social depravation here
Bobbs, I totally agree with you 100%. I have always maintained that we are only a tiny island and cannot possibly keep taking more and more, we have enough now and in fact we have had enough for a long, long time. Also, how many of these illegals have been jabbed, who knows what sort of viruses they are passing on ?? It's high time our government acted and sorted this out once and for all ...
But they’re not any of those things, RH. They’re economic migrants who are clearly not destitute. They are certainly in possession of substantial amounts of cash to pay for their crossing.
So RH, do you think it's fair if for example a family of illegal immigrants comes across on a dingy and gets housed in front of those on the housing waiting list?
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