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Evil Pair Of *****

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tiggerblue10 | 16:48 Thu 02nd Dec 2021 | News
122 Answers

One of them has been found guilty of manslaughter. Why not murder?


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Unfortunately Dave, one of the tasks of the prison service is to keep their inmates safe from harm from other inmates. No matter how heinous their crimes. :-(
I gather that Ian Brady was blind in both eyes; not through natural causes.
Doesn't always work though does it Ken?
I'm sure some prison officers would turn a blind eye and I hope they do in this case.
Hopefully her life will be made a living hell as well as the scrote who was this poor child's father.
The two grandmothers are also without excuse. Either of them could have intervened and had their little grandson live with them. They clearly knew there was abuse.
I agree with Stargazer - the two grandparents should have been more diligent.
^ So do I and also the Uncle who the little child asked for food from !! Did they not see the state of this poor little lad and his obvious despair??
absolutely heart wrenching.
I'm amazed how people like these two waste of skins manage to find each other and take heinousness to another level.
From what I understand Stargazer, the maternal grandmother called child services about Arthur a couple of months prior to his murder, and they did *** all about it, despite a visit.
Someone contacted the police, and they did **** all about it as well.
Maybe it was the same incident Barsel and one led to the other. The result was the same.
He was lovely wasn't he?
Beautiful jj, absolutely beautiful.
The shocking thing to realise is that even at this very moment many a little child is being subjected to such unimaginable cruelty.
That's good news Danny.
Only if it has the desired outcome.

Melv; Brady had cataracts. Where did you read he was blinded?
I hope they rot, I really do.
//From what I understand Stargazer, the maternal grandmother called child services about Arthur a couple of months prior to his murder, and they did *** all about it, despite a visit//

That's still a step too late. The first question is, with all the authorities, child services, social workers around, with a single mother going to prison. How on earth did they decide that these monsters were his best chance? Was it purely because one was the "father"?
See my post at 09:52 Fri 03rd Dec.

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Evil Pair Of *****

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