// In my opinion, a man can have his penis chopped off and made into a vagina, but he doesn't have a womb or ovaries or can carry babies, therefore he is STILL a man ! //
And, supposing that medical science advances enough to allow ovary/womb transplants, what then? Will you move the goalposts *again* in order to preserve a strictly biological definition of gender? Do you look upon those women who've had hysterectomies as somehow less of a woman?
This is fine, but what needs to be understood is that people like JK Rowling and trans rights advocates are speaking at cross purposes. Trans women are women if one accepts that "woman" is a description of gender rather than biological sex; if one decides instead that "woman" is strictly a biological label, then of course what Rowling says is correct. But what's important to realise is that this is not "the truth", but a choice. What's Orwellian is to take away that choice, to insist that the meaning of a word is fixed not by consensus but by diktat.