News1 min ago
How Can We Control The Channel?
116 Answers
a motley crew of 5th columnists, assorted lefties and remoaners etc are all moaning that we have failed to stop over 28,000 illegals in 2021. So over you you ladies and gentleman what measures should we have been employing?
I think it needs a multi pronged approach. Firstly the 'plan' shown by TTT would be one part (if the French assist) but then we should back it up with the following: 1) Amend the HR laws to protect the British and remove rigths for illegals. Cheap and easy to do with an 80 seat majority. There will be whining from the left but hey-ho. 2) Remove any right to any cash,...
14:01 Wed 05th Jan 2022
//Danny, the French won't do that. They are happy for them to come here. They don't want them either.//
I think danny may be saying what TTT is saying... that once the word gets out the smugglers may stop operating and illegals will be detterred from coming to France on there way to England... so France wont have to deal with as many aiming for Calaise. So its in both are interests
Worth a try but some boats may still sneak through and the message might not get through to African countrys where smugglers will still sell the dream
I think danny may be saying what TTT is saying... that once the word gets out the smugglers may stop operating and illegals will be detterred from coming to France on there way to England... so France wont have to deal with as many aiming for Calaise. So its in both are interests
Worth a try but some boats may still sneak through and the message might not get through to African countrys where smugglers will still sell the dream
"His plan '"Any illegal landing here from France is immediate shipped back" - simples. If the French agree...'
That one wee word "if" is surely where it fails immediately? "
Yes, indeed. That was the solution I suggested but with the caveat that it was easy to say like a lot of these.
For one thing it needs as we know cooperation by France, with whom relations are at a major low. We aren't probably going to see that improve as long as Boris Johnson is PM. That is maybe a bit unfair on Johnson as it takes two to tango, but nonetheless it is probably true.
The president in France after next April will be either still be Emmanuel Macron or Valerie Pecresse, but probably the former. Post-election though it might be easier for a French president to appear to make concessions or react more positively to the sort of stuff that comes from our side of the channel. France is already dealing with huge numbers of immigrants, far more whan we have, so it's easy to see why they aren't over keen, especially in the current climate. If boatloads of migrants were going the other way, would this government be so keen to cooperate with M Macron?
Mind you, there is still no guarantee it would work.
That one wee word "if" is surely where it fails immediately? "
Yes, indeed. That was the solution I suggested but with the caveat that it was easy to say like a lot of these.
For one thing it needs as we know cooperation by France, with whom relations are at a major low. We aren't probably going to see that improve as long as Boris Johnson is PM. That is maybe a bit unfair on Johnson as it takes two to tango, but nonetheless it is probably true.
The president in France after next April will be either still be Emmanuel Macron or Valerie Pecresse, but probably the former. Post-election though it might be easier for a French president to appear to make concessions or react more positively to the sort of stuff that comes from our side of the channel. France is already dealing with huge numbers of immigrants, far more whan we have, so it's easy to see why they aren't over keen, especially in the current climate. If boatloads of migrants were going the other way, would this government be so keen to cooperate with M Macron?
Mind you, there is still no guarantee it would work.
If these illegals tried to come in through a UK airport they would be scooped up and put back on a plane to their homeland. There are plenty of planes parked up on the tarmac due to lack of holidays being taken, so it would be cheaper for the government to fly them straight back, eliminating any dealings with France.
You can't guarantee no work.
One complain of the Frech, which is pretty fair it seems to me, is t4hat the UK is an attractive proposition because, not of its benefits etc but its unregulated labour market.
I also agree that it would not stop immigrants entering France of course. Perhaps those hoping to get to the UK (perhaps) but not the vast majority who are not trying to do that.
One complain of the Frech, which is pretty fair it seems to me, is t4hat the UK is an attractive proposition because, not of its benefits etc but its unregulated labour market.
I also agree that it would not stop immigrants entering France of course. Perhaps those hoping to get to the UK (perhaps) but not the vast majority who are not trying to do that.
ich, I'm trying to address the issue of those trying to get to the UK via the channel via France. If some want to stay in mainland Europe then great, not our problem. If they want to come here they can't do it via France that's the point. If they want to try and tackle the North sea via Holland, good luck with that!
naomi: "In that case it's back to the drawing board. The French aren't going to agree to take them back. What next? " - we need to persuade them, it's in their own interests, if they could look beyond their Twitface hissy fit they may see sense. If they don't I agree we are where we are now. Regardless of who's in government the problems are the same, our own laws prevent us from dealing with the invasion.
"How is it in their own interests? I can't see anything positive in it for them. " - you really cannot see? Well for a start the slum camps in Calais will be gone, the people traffickers charging for the channel crossing will be gone, the people of Calais et al will be eternally grateful.....etc have a think. Ok they'll sell fewer rubber boats but on the plus side their will be fewer drowning in the channel.