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World War Iii ?

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Paul22118 | 08:06 Tue 26th Apr 2022 | News
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I heard a report on the radio this morning that the Russian foreign minister thinks there is a distinct possibility of the 'conflict' escalating into World War III. What do you think? Personally I see it as a very real possibility.


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No stopping Putin? Why do we think that? He has failed to take any major Ukrainian city other than Kherson which will probably be counterattacked in the coming days. He has made minimal progress in Donbas and probably now will face heavy weaponry in the weeks to come. He’s made enemies of the Russians in Ukraine who did support him, bolstered NATO, will...
09:25 Tue 26th Apr 2022
Several countries have pledged to fund the rebuilding of Ukrainian cities. Different countries have “adopted” different cities
grumpy, the Russian troops have been so depleted (i.e. dead & wounded) that they are trying to conscript thousands of young Russian men to replace them, & they don't want to play along:

Personally I think the rehash of old, and alarmist, predictions are facile.
Khandro,conscription in Russia began 1st April and will end July 15th.It is thought 134,500 are eligible.
If the Ruskies bring in Syrians why shouldn't Ukraine recruit in the west.
grumpy. //Khandro,conscription in Russia began 1st April and will end July 15th.It is thought 134,500 are eligible.//

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; from what I read, young service-eligible men are leaving the country in large numbers, a bit like the draft was in the USA in the Vietnam days.
p.s. & new raw recruits are not much use in this warfare
One of Putin’s autobiography’ Mention how while young he cornered a very large rat. Being cornered, it went for him. He ran and got away. He’s never forgotten what a trapped animal will do. Can he save face? If not, he will remember the rat.
Putin isn’t cornered!

We should remember that. He’s embarked on a disastrous military venture. He could end it when he liked and tell the Russian people anything. Most would be nine the wiser.
It’s more like the bully who doesn’t get his own way
Thanks Khandro.
Thanks for the link, jno @ 15.00. I had heard about that too. But there was another similar situation in the 1980's at a missile site somewhere in Russia. Double indemnity then! ;o)
the Russian troops have been so depleted

so they have run out of troops - I dont think so - they lost 29m during WW2. blimey Jenny Hill, ( Beeb fluff) has a down on Putin today - usually she repeats the usual lies
Whole of Kherson occupied - Ich will have to tell us that is true.

I dont believe ( but that is me!) that a rat infested childhood leads on to send rockets into a childrens hospital.

or to assure someone who knows different(*) that the russians have allowed hundreds of thousands of residents of Mariupol to leave and go where they wish....

(*) that would be antonio gutierrex who presumably spent all his time thinking - " I shoulda gone to Ukraine first"
“Whole of Kherson occupied - Ich will have to tell us that is true. ”

Not the entire oblast I think.
Russians deposed the mayor and council yesterday who had continued to run the city.
Big anti-Russian demo planned for the city today
Russia plans to hold a “referendum” along the lines of the sham ones in Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014. Many others fleeing in advance.
The latest protest in Kherson:
“zav’yazhi zhovty strichky”
“Tie a yellow ribbon “ - not necessarily round an old oak tree
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Thanks to all for sharing views here about a serious issue, which is much more serious for Europeans than most realise.
Having read carefully all the comments I come to the conclusion that Putin has to have some signs of 'victory' to present to the Russian people or he will be ousted by the hangers on. All countries must stop feeding Russia's war machine and it's economy. Well done Poland for refusing to bow to the gas payment in roubles. I don' think Putin can win in the overall sense of total victory, but the damage to lives and property along the way is immense. Other countries must support Ukraine in any way they can, and quickly, as time is of the essence. Finally Germany is at last giving arms support in quantity. May your God go with Ukraine.

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