ChatterBank0 min ago
Why All The Hysterics?
145 Answers
https:/ /news.s story/u k-heatw ave-cou ld-put- peoples -lives- at-risk -met-of fice-wa rns-as- nationa l-emerg ency-de clared- 1265287 7
It's hot so what? gawd there are counties in the world that are like this every day, they don't close schools and have national emergency. Same when it snows, why are we so carp at weather? I never had a day off school for weather, ever and I was at school in 1976.
It's hot so what? gawd there are counties in the world that are like this every day, they don't close schools and have national emergency. Same when it snows, why are we so carp at weather? I never had a day off school for weather, ever and I was at school in 1976.
//…and it is almost certainly due to climate change.// No it’s not. It’s due to something called “weather.” An area of low pressure is forming over the Azores in the Atlantic, to the south-west of the British Isles. Air flows anti- clockwise round low-pressure systems so the wind will flow around the low-pressure system from north Africa and the Iberian...
10:39 Sat 16th Jul 2022
I remember way back in the 40/50s the weather was much more seasonable. We did have the four seasons . Hot summers when we wore t-shirts and shorts. Then autumn when we probably wore a jumper or cardigan on cooler days. Winter meant knee length socks, liberty bodices and vests and thicker jumpers and skirts. Spring you could usually cast the cumbersome clothes off and put them away until winter again. Still kept the odd cardigan or jumper for the cooler days. Then the cycle would start all over again. Over the years the weather has become more varied and the seasons have merged. The ordinary weather that we talked about in the past has gone and now it's not weather but Climate Change.
//Either way, it appears to indicate a trend toward higher temperatures.//
Well if that is the case, instead of holding "Cobra" meetings the government would be better placed devising a long term plan to deal with it. That will involve placing more expansion gaps in railway lines, installing air-conditioning in buildings that continue to be required whether or not it's hot, and devising an energy plan that does not depend on the wind blowing or the sun shining. Rather than deceive the population into believing that the climate can somehow be controlled (in the same way it suggested an airborne virus could) they would do better to tell them the truth - that the climate is changing (as it always has and always will), there's nothing we can do about it but here's our plan to deal with that change. There's plenty of money to deal with it. All the dosh currently being screwed out of people in an absolutely hopeless aim of reaching "Net Zero" can be used for something of benefit instead of pie in the sky.
Well if that is the case, instead of holding "Cobra" meetings the government would be better placed devising a long term plan to deal with it. That will involve placing more expansion gaps in railway lines, installing air-conditioning in buildings that continue to be required whether or not it's hot, and devising an energy plan that does not depend on the wind blowing or the sun shining. Rather than deceive the population into believing that the climate can somehow be controlled (in the same way it suggested an airborne virus could) they would do better to tell them the truth - that the climate is changing (as it always has and always will), there's nothing we can do about it but here's our plan to deal with that change. There's plenty of money to deal with it. All the dosh currently being screwed out of people in an absolutely hopeless aim of reaching "Net Zero" can be used for something of benefit instead of pie in the sky.
I haven't read all this yet, so may have been said. But ignoring air conditioning, etc, it's also acclimatisation. I saw a pet thread some time ago, suggesting that dogs also live in hot countries. But they are acclimatised to it. We send horse competing abroad, at least 6 weeks early, in air-conditioned stables at first, to get used to more heat. People are the same- they need weeks to build more red blood cells and sweat more easily. I think physiological differences get ignored and the UK weather can change very quickly, without a gradual build up.
It’s quite obviously as a result of climate change as Andres says.
There’s a wealth of scientific knowledge that proves it, no need to post endless links, you all know how to Google.
What does perplex me is the amount of educated people who’ll deny it when all the evidence they need is within arms length.
Nothing supports their assertions, science and research tell otherwise.
There’s a wealth of scientific knowledge that proves it, no need to post endless links, you all know how to Google.
What does perplex me is the amount of educated people who’ll deny it when all the evidence they need is within arms length.
Nothing supports their assertions, science and research tell otherwise.
Something else to bear in mind.
https:/ /news.c ancerre searchu 021/06/ 24/mens -skin-c ancer-r ates-in crease- by-50-o ver-dec ade/amp /
Enjoy what you can of the hot weather, take care folks.
Enjoy what you can of the hot weather, take care folks.
// Well if that is the case //
Don’t you agree that it is, indeed, the case?
// Rather than deceive the population into believing that the climate can somehow be controlled //
Can you show me where the government are doing that? Their policies are intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That’s not controlling the climate.
// the climate is changing (as it always has and always will //
Nobody in their right minds would argue that there are other factors involved in climate change. But it doesn’t follow that human activity has no effect on the climate.
// There’s nothing we can do about it //
Nonsense. You, and those like you, trot out the same old mantras to justify an irresponsible and profligate lifestyle whilst putting the blame on others. Conservatives keep telling us to live within our means - how about living within the planet’s means?
You just can’t be arsed.
// Well if that is the case //
Don’t you agree that it is, indeed, the case?
// Rather than deceive the population into believing that the climate can somehow be controlled //
Can you show me where the government are doing that? Their policies are intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That’s not controlling the climate.
// the climate is changing (as it always has and always will //
Nobody in their right minds would argue that there are other factors involved in climate change. But it doesn’t follow that human activity has no effect on the climate.
// There’s nothing we can do about it //
Nonsense. You, and those like you, trot out the same old mantras to justify an irresponsible and profligate lifestyle whilst putting the blame on others. Conservatives keep telling us to live within our means - how about living within the planet’s means?
You just can’t be arsed.
// Nobody in their right minds would argue that there are other factors involved in climate change. But it doesn’t follow that human activity has no effect on the climate. //
Sorry, missed a ‘not’ in there…
// that’s not controlling the climate //
I.e it’s affecting the climate, not controlling it completely.
Sorry, missed a ‘not’ in there…
// that’s not controlling the climate //
I.e it’s affecting the climate, not controlling it completely.
//trot out the same old mantras to justify an irresponsible and profligate lifestyle whilst putting the blame on others. //
But who is genuinely willing to forego that irresponsible and profligate lifestyle? Even little Greta with all her pious rhetoric doesn't balk at flying around the world to give us all the benefit of her dubious wisdom - when, in my opinion, she would be of far more benefit to the planet in rallying the young and the rest of us to clean it up - and that she can do from home. Whenever I hear these attacks from the self-proclaimed holier-than-thou, the word 'hypocrisy' is never far from my mind.
But who is genuinely willing to forego that irresponsible and profligate lifestyle? Even little Greta with all her pious rhetoric doesn't balk at flying around the world to give us all the benefit of her dubious wisdom - when, in my opinion, she would be of far more benefit to the planet in rallying the young and the rest of us to clean it up - and that she can do from home. Whenever I hear these attacks from the self-proclaimed holier-than-thou, the word 'hypocrisy' is never far from my mind.
// gness They'll be arsed when the malaria carrying mosquito bites them on the bum, HeavensToBetsy. :- //
True gness, sadly it will be future generations that have to deal with the worst effects of climate change. If parts of the world become uninhabitable the world will face a refugee crisis unprecedented in history.
True gness, sadly it will be future generations that have to deal with the worst effects of climate change. If parts of the world become uninhabitable the world will face a refugee crisis unprecedented in history.
// But who is genuinely willing to forego that irresponsible and profligate lifestyle?//
I wouldn’t argue that we should forego it completely, Naomi. I have argued here before that we should be investing in technologies such as carbon capture and nuclear fusion. I agree that there is no way we can get everyone to stop flying completely, or driving, or otherwise consuming energy. But we could all reduce our carbon footprint without materially affecting our standard of living - by walking or cycling when we can, or by holidaying in the UK instead of flying, for example. If people want to fly or drive they are of course free to do so - but it’s only fair that they should pay the true price rather than expecting future generations to pick up the bill.
I wouldn’t argue that we should forego it completely, Naomi. I have argued here before that we should be investing in technologies such as carbon capture and nuclear fusion. I agree that there is no way we can get everyone to stop flying completely, or driving, or otherwise consuming energy. But we could all reduce our carbon footprint without materially affecting our standard of living - by walking or cycling when we can, or by holidaying in the UK instead of flying, for example. If people want to fly or drive they are of course free to do so - but it’s only fair that they should pay the true price rather than expecting future generations to pick up the bill.