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Fattiscus-fantastic ( hi TTT!)
// Naomi sees it as trivial when it’s Tories sexually assaulting fellow Tories,//

well - I dont give a frack so long as it is not my children, is mainstream Boris speak innit?
be fair!

our excess mortality was extremely high at the start of the pandemic... even in comparison with our neighbours of similar demography and development.

Johnson at the start of the pandemic insisted on a herd immunity strategy... only to have to u-turn out of it a few weeks later. But by then the damage was done...

this early response was condemned as the UK's worst-ever public health failure by commons inquiry... i believe them:
and when Boris returns in gloire ( apotheosis I think - myClassics master would spin in his grave like a tee-totum)
Headline such as
Boris is Back - Londoners dance for joy up Whitehall

Queen drives in Gold coach and quips - Good Old Boris , I always knew he would do it

Boris invted to buck House Bash !

I can see it all

untitled: "I don't think" - first accurate thing you've ever said.
But we’ve constantly been assured he ‘got all the big calls right’?

Or was that just BYO drinks on Friday’s in lockdown?
Lol ok Tora ;)
// Johnson at the start of the pandemic insisted on a herd immunity strategy..//
Greats graduate (*) not good at virology

With a reinfection rate of 5 , it is relatively easy to see that the herd immunity has to be 80% - I did not read greats by the way

and I was surprised they let that pass. One crazy SAGE prof said out loud that the only way to diagnose it was throat swab abd culture. oops he didnt last long.

(*) Boris read Greats at Oxford. there isnt a microbiology module (not even ancient poo studies) in that 'school'
//I think Mr Fabricant is absolutely right. Those who wanted him gone have misread the mood of the membership - and of the public//

There’s your problem again, trying that ‘thinking’ malarkey because you clearly don’t.
If Tory MP’s were to be believed even they admitted that their inboxes were inundated by members and constituents who were angry at the behaviour of the government over Partygate etc.
Maybe that’s why do mushy voted against Johnson?

As for the mood of the public, here’s the latest from Sky News.

Sunak and Truss still unpopular with general public - polling
New polling shows that both Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak are more unpopular than popular among voters.
The data was collected between Wednesday and Thursday this week from 1,500 people by Redfield & Wilton Strategies.
People were asked if they could see themselves voting for the Tories with either of the leadership candidates in charge.
When asked if they could see themselves voting for a Conservative Party led by Mr Sunak, 44% said no and 28% said yes.
When people were asked if they could see themselves voting Tory if Ms Truss was in charge, 42% said no and 32% said yes.
When people who voted Conservative in 2019 were asked, they favoured Ms Truss over Mr Sunak.
52% of 2019 Tory voters said they would vote for the party under Mr Sunak, while 25% said they would not.
58% of 2019 Tory voters said they would vote for the party under Ms Truss, while 19% said they would not.
Ms Truss's team presented the results as a success for her, saying: "This polling shows Liz has the widest appeal among voters nationwide, but is also the best candidate to hold the 2019 Conservative coalition together at the next election and beat Sir Keir Starmer.
"She'll do this by governing in a Conservative way, cutting taxes and allowing people to keep more of their hard-earned money."
Earlier today, Mr Sunak said he was "the only person who can beat Labour".

So given those figures, you reckon Johnson was more credible and trustworthy than even these two? PMSL, you really do live in a world of your own!
Fatticusinch - what was your previous name on AB? I would be interested to read some of your earlier posts.
Take your pick! Ask your mate ToraToraTora, youngmafbog, Paigntonian or bednobs….apologies, mates(plural).
Current estimates are any one of up to four.
Why, are you gonna stalk me as well? PMSL.
dave, stickybottle, donkeyhoaty probably others.
I just wonder why people would change their name here - what possible reasons could there be?
//I just wonder why people would change their name here - what possible reasons could there be?//

Better than having multiple accounts I guess?
I mean, how pathetic does it look when some ABers live in the same town, know the same political figures in their local party, concur with each other’s post and often nominate each other for Best Answer, both using the same acronyms, similar avatars and both separately tell me ‘they have the measure of me’?
It’s kinda creepy and a bit stalkerish, but each to their own I suppose?
But that’s not you davebro so why worry?
so tell me why you changed yours
and it seems others (I don't know how) knew you did and who you were.
//so tell me why you changed yours//

I didn’t say I had, you’re just following the ToraToraTora paranoia.

Or maybe you’ll tell me why you have multiple accounts?

But I’m glad that the perception fascinates you, just please don’t stalk me, especially after your comments excusing predatory sexual behaviour, it’s quite frightening.
Try using capital letters at the beginning of your sentences, it’ll prevent you looking like ToraToraTora.
Oh wait……PMSL
//Or maybe you’ll tell me why you have multiple accounts?//

I don't have multiple accounts - unlike some on here & I have never thought it necessary to change my name. I give little credence to those who do.

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