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Dave lol.when i posted about Ukraine yesterday i was told it was no longer news ( in the past) so is this, Boris now gone!!
"when i posted about Ukraine yesterday i was told it was no longer news ( in the past) "

I need to have a word with someone :-)
Poster now done a runner ich,pretending not to have seen post :0)
Ken, as you know I am a Tory voter - haven't always been but that's another story - and I can only foresee disharmony and political disaster for the Conservatives with either of the two contenders at the helm. Neither is fit for office. If they were it would be different but as it is there is no way I feel I can support them. This really is the most stupidly vainglorious, self-harming exercise these people have ever undertaken and, in my opinion, it's all about personal power and personal political recognition. The well-being of the country is not top of their agenda. Recognition I think they will get - but not in a good way. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me to throw the country that's just successfully come through the most turbulent and difficult years since the war, to the dogs - but that's exactly what they've done - and that's what really upsets me.
No one wants a liar for a PM. He's gone!! Past news now.
Did Boris' lies harm anyone but himself & the Tory party. People who live in the real world will realise that a minor breach of covid rules & possibly appointing a (known) pervert as a whip have little or no impact outside Westminster. I think a sense of proportion is called for.
//Ken, as you know I am a Tory voter - haven't always been but that's another story - and I can only foresee disharmony and political disaster for the Conservatives with either of the two contenders at the helm.//

Lol, I’m contrast to the unparalleled success and beacon of standards and virtue that is the car-crash known as Boris Johnson you mean? PMSL
// I think a sense of proportion is called for. //

Too late for that, dave.
*in not I’m
// I think a sense of proportion is called for. //

/Too late for that, dave./

Along with perspective, yours though is dreadfully skewed.
You see Johnson as honest, trustworthy and reliable.
Sadly for you he’s been found and proved to be anything but and all by his own party, the opposition parties had zero input in it, that’s what destroys you, that the Tories actually saw him for what he is.
//Did Boris' lies harm anyone but himself & the Tory party.//

Maybe you need to ask the victims of Pincher?
They were all Tories too.
Is predatory sexual behaviour endemic and excused within the party?
If you see ANY politician as " honest, trustworthy and reliable" I think you are deluding yourself.

I think it might be said of Boris that he did the country no harm - which doesn't apply to many PMs.
An adult male traumatised by being touched up by some old pervert - who are you kidding! A punch in the face often offends!
Boris said they were following lockdown rules at No10, the same as those thousands of people who were prevented from seeing their loved ones before they died.
They were in fact partying and 186 fines were issued. And the people who couldn’t see their husband, wife, mother, father when they were gravely ill, were very much harmed.
//An adult male traumatised by being touched up by some old pervert - who are you kidding! A punch in the face often offends!//

…..or how about Pincher not carrying out such sexual assaults in the first place, then subsequently have a Prime minister who knows about the behaviour but lies about knowing about it?

No need to resort to violence if the person in a position of power doesn’t commit such crimes in the first place, is there?
How would you feel if a teacher touched up a younger male relative of yours, the head teacher knew about it, promoted that teacher, then denied having ever known about such behaviour?
Like Naomi, is there anything that you won’t condemn in relation to sexual assaults that you trivialise or knowing about it and brushing it under the carpet?
Dangerous people of your mindset are generally the ones who assist and facilitate such behaviour, turning a blind eye because it won’t look good for ‘the party’.
There are always gonna perverts in every walk of life - dealing with them appropriately is a useful adult skill. Apparently some MPs & Westminster employees don't have that.
//There are always gonna perverts in every walk of life - dealing with them appropriately is a useful adult skill.//

Absolutely, which is why one might expect the PM to do so, wouldn’t you?
Instead he promoted him and lied about knowing that he was a sexual predator.
Do you understand anything of what you type? You have a very warped outlook on life and matters of sexual assault.
Gromit, //And the people who couldn’t see their husband, wife, mother, father when they were gravely ill, were very much harmed.//

Rubbish! If they were, so were the supposedly wayward civil servants who may have had relatives THEY couldn't see either. And let's not forget - although I know you want to - that Boris's own mother died in hospital during the pandemic so he was in exactly the same situation. All this manufactured hand-wringing is wheeled out so often but it has no bearing whatsoever on so called 'partygate' and is therefore, not only completely irrational - it's unmitigated tripe.
The job is no good to Boris anyhow, he can't manage on £150k a year. Sunak don't even need it. :0)

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