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But really this is all OLD news. :0)
Dave, //Apparently some MPs & Westminster employees don't have that. //

Bet they do. No charges were brought. I wonder if they had a 'whip round' (sorry) for some ice to treat his black eyes?
Naomi has still got the doe-eyed, thousand yard maniacal stare for Boris, you can’t reason with the tragically devoted.

She did after all tell us that the Downing St staff were working incredibly hard under tough conditions.
Getting rid of all those bottles and puke stains whilst berating the minions is a rough ride.
doug: "Whale oil. " - "Beef Oct"?
"I think it might be said of Boris that he did the country no harm "

180,000 people died
Naomi sees it as trivial when it’s Tories sexually assaulting fellow Tories, just a follow-on from all those public school high jinks I guess?
And an insult to the Queen in her hour of need. Lets not forget that!!
Blimey! A mass murderer too! Who'd a thunk?!
They didn't even try to hide it behind the bike sheds either. lol
//"I think it might be said of Boris that he did the country no harm "

180,000 people died//

reductio ad asburdum - is that all you got?
But again its all in the past so not really news. Repetitive and boring. lol
Dave, //Apparently some MPs & Westminster employees don't have that. //

/Bet they do. No charges were brought./

Strangely they were never brought against Savile either?
Is it something the Tory party are good at, covering up for sexual predators?
11:57, probably the most moronic post this week and that's up against some pretty stiff competition.
er - I don't think Savile's victims can in any way be compared to Pincher's fumblings!
//11:57, probably the most moronic post this week and that's up against some pretty stiff competition.//

Because facts aren’t your strong suit you mean?
They have their fingers in all the pies :0)
//er - I don't think Savile's victims can in any way be compared to Pincher's fumblings!//

……and there it is again, trivialising sexual assault. You really aren’t thinking any of this through at all are you?
I don't think it unreasonable to hold him and his government responsible for this country's extremely high death toll...
//er - I don't think//

Never a truer word spoken……
You can’t reason with the rabid Johnson uber-fans, they’re still trying to ‘Save Big Log’!

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