ChatterBank26 mins ago
Inflation in the U/K hits 10.1 percent. The highest in 40 years and the highest in G/7 . Well done Boris and his Brigade of Con Merchants, you certainly are following in Thatchers Footsteps.
//I think there is little doubt that a majority of the population that did not contract the virus sooner, contracted it later.// Yes newjudge, but it bought time till we had a vaccinne and prevented tens of thousands more dying in that first year and until proper testing was available... .. once the vaccines had been gave and testing was widely available the...
19:15 Fri 19th Aug 2022
Europe averaging at 8.6%.
https:/ / wstates /chart- of-the- day/202 2/08/uk -inflat ion-rat e-2022- vs-euro pe-g7-o ther-co untries
However, when you look at individual European countries, other than France, most are in the 9% to 10% bracket, but many are above 10% and experiencing higher inflation than the UK - Belgium and Holland to name just two.
https:/ / ronews. com/nex t/2022/ 08/17/r ecord-i nflatio n-which -countr y-in-eu rope-ha s-been- worst-h it-and- how-do- they-co mpare
However, when you look at individual European countries, other than France, most are in the 9% to 10% bracket, but many are above 10% and experiencing higher inflation than the UK - Belgium and Holland to name just two.
Here's s the figures for all countrys.
https:/ /tradin geconom /countr y-list/ inflati on-rate -
Spain is higher. cyprus is high. Usa 9%.most Eucountries are 9% some more. Some countries have 30% plus.
Wonder if gulliver will say what the % where he lives.... I guess not.
Spain is higher. cyprus is high. Usa 9%.most Eucountries are 9% some more. Some countries have 30% plus.
Wonder if gulliver will say what the % where he lives.... I guess not.
near the bottom of the G20 list all the same, bobb, and worse than the Euro area as a whole
https:/ /tradin geconom /countr y-list/ inflati on-rate -?conti nent=g2 0
A bad time to be left with a zombie government, unfortunately.
A bad time to be left with a zombie government, unfortunately.
This was a good interview on R4 Today this morning:
https:/ / eguardi busines s/2022/ aug/17/ tory-pe er-hits -out-at -minist ers-ove r-infla tion-st uart-ro se
‘Nobody is in charge’: Tory peer hits out at ministers over inflation
‘Nobody is in charge’: Tory peer hits out at ministers over inflation
Wasn’t Johnson warned about this by Starmer last September?
https:/ / m/labou r-hits- out-at- boris-j ohnson- for-say ing-uk- inflati on-fear s-are-u nfounde d/?amp= 1
-- answer removed --
Anyone got any suggestions for how to solve a Worldwide issue?
You all must have since your quick to slate so come on lets have it, its all very well saying it was known to happen but unless you have economic knowledge (and I have seen very little grasp of even the basics on here) then probably best to keep quiet.
You all must have since your quick to slate so come on lets have it, its all very well saying it was known to happen but unless you have economic knowledge (and I have seen very little grasp of even the basics on here) then probably best to keep quiet.