Boris Goes ( Finally ) in The AnswerBank: News
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Boris Goes ( Finally )

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Peter Pedant | 07:18 Tue 06th Sep 2022 | News
90 Answers
Are you all dead out there ?
Boris has given his farewell speech

Boris lies as he leaves no 10 -listing his successes and strengths
in fact listing the problems he leaves lovely Liz

a lot of ideas said one hack, that have still to be realised

what do all the ABers think? once they have imbibed their coffee

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Here is the speech:


It is totally obvious what he meant. He meant that he thought he was in a longer distance race, but "they" unexpectedly changed the rules on him and turned it into a relay race, meaning that he had to pass on the baton/torch to Liz Truss.

Lies. Nobody changed the rules. He got disqualified under the rules of the race he was in. That is all - after that, the metaphor breaks down a little.
Indeed ellipsis, although it's maybe a bit unfair to call it "lies".
I just took it as a weak joke, when I finally worked it out.
Well, nobody changed the rules to take him out of the race, and he said that they did. That's why I called it a lie.
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The baton will be handed over in what has unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. They changed the rules half-way through but never mind that now.

the order of words means it has to be - - They changed the rules in the relay race....

for the meaning he wants:
1.they changed the rules half way thro
2.it turned unexpectedly into a relay race
(froo de rule change)
3.the baton will be handed over
4. never mind that now

If it were Herodotus (No not a roman emperor, did anyone get that Cincinnatus was a fella during the Republic?)
then his tutor wd have spent an hour on this !

They do this in Classics - the words vary between authors but does the MEANING change. Gawd as Naomi would say

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can we perhaps settle on the usual Boris bullshot ?
Boris. A Tribute.

Language is a tad Anglo-Saxon of the lower deck variety.

not bad. I wonder if he could do my funeral?
Lol @ Jno.
What a delivery
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Boris has delivered a few babies
well initiated er their delivery.
bonked endlessly then, god knows what the Greek for that is

Times quote
the hidden sword horns with black device;
strikes so he falls down where the waters fill.
I tell you of a death-snare bath that kills.
She has caught him in the robe and gores him with the crafty device of her black horn! He falls in a vessel of water! It is of doom wrought by guile in a murderous bath that I am telling you.

Clytemnestra kills Agamemnon, as foretold by Cassandy.
Aga - Boris, Clytemnestie - Lizz truss, I am not sure who cassandy is

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Boris Goes ( Finally )

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