More Catholics Than Protestants In N Ireland. in The AnswerBank: News
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More Catholics Than Protestants In N Ireland.

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sandyRoe | 12:06 Thu 22nd Sep 2022 | News
49 Answers
That doesn't necessarily mean a referendum would see a vote for a united Ireland. Some Catholics will think they're better off in the UK.
If the north hadn't been such a cold house for Catholics throughout much of its existence the question of unity might never have arisen.
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the absolute priority must be no-one starts bombing and shooting again.
09:42 Fri 23rd Sep 2022
I'm afraid the central west of Scotland may have other ideas on that one.
I always remember crossing the border in 1969/70 into Donegal and the Irish army had set up field hospitals in anticipation of large numbers of refugees fleeing Protestant terror in Derry and further afield, thank goodness they were not really needed. The tragedy of those times is that each side was paranoid understandably about what the other might do
It’s fascinating reading Brian Faulkner’s autobiography. I’d live to know what he’d make of how things worked out. I think he’d be very happy, maybe he is
Really, religion is not the issue in N Ireland
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Ichkeria, it's one part of a toxic mix, as you know. Many Unionists/Protestants benefited for many years from the sectarianism of the N Ireland state. Nationalists/Catholics, feeling themselves discriminated against, looked to the south as an answer to their problems.
I don't think there's any easy answer to our problems. Political solutions may be hammered out but that won't change the hearts and minds of lots of our people.
Sandy, I'm sure you know that Catholics didn't just feel themselves discriminated against but were very much discriminated against. You'll remember the...one man, one vote....for a start. And the report of the Cameron Commission.
Indeed not Sandy
I quite agree, some protestants over the years have been responsible for violence like some catholics. It does seem like an important milestone census although these days of peace it will pass by with no meaning.
One of the effects of the Troubles and the subsequent mass unemployment and poverty was to drive many thousands of Catholics out of Northern Ireland. They went to America, Canada and the rest of the UK.
If it hadn't been for the Troubles a Catholic majority would have been reached much sooner
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There was always a drain of Catholics from the north. Discrimination in housing and employment prompted many to leave and look for a better life somewhere else.
Ironically, the start of the troubles saw the number of Protestants leaving increase. For example,
Kenneth Branagh's family left their tough inner-city home for a better life in England.
My nephew's step daughter went to Uni in Scotland, met her future husband there and won't be coming back.

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