//Fatti; If you think this present lot are bad (& they are!) you might get what you wish for; the Islington elite chardonnay-socialists, without a clue what to do with the economy, beholden to the unions, allowing the EU bureaucrats & the ECHR to regain a strangle-hold once more, while thousands of illegal immigrant wash up on the shores of Britain - I could go on.//
Seriously detached from reality. A government of lies, covert behaviour, law-breaking, illegal goings on in the HoC, a law-breaking former PM, a tanked economy after a failed fiscal experiment, worst living conditions not seen for 40 years and a present government in turmoil and an absolute catastrophe of they’d own making?
Please explain how Labour would be worse in credibility and honesty alone?
Still, I doubt you’re really affected by what’s going on over here whilst in Germany, surely?
So tell me how matters would get worse under anyone else?