They now decided to have a bank holiday in May so we can all celebrate Charlie boy having a crown stuffed with jewels placed on his head, and then while he is whisked back to one of the many palaces that we provide for him and the rest of his sponging family of no hopers, we are allowed to stand there waving dopey little flags at him while he gives us a condescending grin and a wave from the back of a Bentley that we bought for him, along with all the range rovers etc in case he fancies a change. Meanwhile people are struggling to eat and keep warm, food bank's, real genuine poverty that i never thought I would live to see, absolutely heartbreaking, I could go on but surely I am not alone in being disgusted by the irony of all this and it must be time now to relegate the whole lot of them to history book's and not throw another penny towards this horrendous family.
It's a one off, and while the public still want a figurehead to bow down to, or tug a forelock at, the rest of us have to rolls eyes skyward (optional) and let them have their fun.
//I think we should have all of May off , double time for you workers//
Err no. I dont work I dont get paid.
Why we need another Bank Holiday is beyond me. Use none of the ones already in May.
Yes I am a proud Republican but I do understand the majority want to celebrate and tug their forelocks to old jug ear. But why should I loose a days pay because of him?
The Royal Family brings £billions into this country every year from the millions of visitors who come from all over the world.
Many reports say they bring in more than the RF costs us.
I'm more concerned about King Charles giving titles to his grandchildren in America.
Why should the taxpayers in this country pay for them when they don't even live here?
surely I am not alone in being disgusted by the irony of all this
sounz like Mr Happy is gonna be out there, in motley and wearing a jesters cap ( all for fun).
It is never too late to change. I used to think that the American way of selecting Supreme Ct judges was better than the tap on the sholder by the Lord Chancellor ( our way).
Yes - best forgotten
I'm more concerned about King Charles giving titles to his grandchildren in America.
Harry wants to lead an American life of normaliy, basball and apple pie and then demands titles for the kids - titles - there shall be no titles, according to the American constitution
That is why they say Mr President
Your honor for judges doesnt count apparently
I suspect that many reports don't take into consideration that tourists would come here, royalty or not, because it wouldn't support the predesired result. Were royalty (that they're unlikely to see anyway) the only attraction, many countries would get zero tourists.
Perhaps your anger would be better directed at the idiots blocking the M25 and causing the taxpayer and everyone trying to feed their families total misery.
yeah - you run an ad - come to London and see a Real Prince
and where the Queen of England used to live - at no extra cost
//The late Queen was allowed to marry ..... she would get the top job.
No she pointed out Phil the Greek at the age of 12 and said, that is the man that I shall marry
b.1926 so that must be 1938
I dont know if Elizabeth (Q later QM) stuck her oar in, probably knowing women - er Royal women that is!
but having three sisters all of whom married SS officers weighed against it