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Why Are The Germans Ruluctant To Send Tanks To Ukraine?

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ToraToraTora | 13:34 Fri 20th Jan 2023 | News
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I wasnt sure about the end user selling things on bit
( permission needed etc)
what do you do if they do? - refuse to sell more?
the industrial-military complex ( thank you Eisenhower) wdnt like it !

( I liked Ike ! - there is a bit of history for you)
I wonder if, while all this talk of tanks and body parts excites there's still something going on in the background to try and find a way to stop the madness that suits both sides, the mental case excluded obviously, he has to go.

Training on Leopards as I understand it started a while back

There is a whole narrative building - partly and understandably fuelled by Ukraine’s government and military - that if Ukraine doesn’t fairly suddenly start laying into the occupiers with barrack busting heavy armour - that all will be lost.
Not so.
However doing so would undoubtedly shorten the war
There is also a nonsense that all wars end with negotiated settlements.
Also not so

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