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Lineker To Step Back From Presenting Match Of The Day

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choux | 18:38 Fri 10th Mar 2023 | News
267 Answers
...until an agreement is reached on his social media use, the BBC has said.

Bet he is feeling less cocky now. No doubt he still gets paid. Time will tell if his principles or ego win the day.



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I read it was non-pc to call anyone an "illegal" immigrant. They are "irregular" immigrants now :/
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nicebloke, if it is not already apparent, I admit my loathing of GL, guilty as charged.
"The Government really can't win can it?" and I think that has a lot to do with whether you support GL or not. Those who want this Govt out by any means will support GL and what he said, plus anyone else who publicly says anything negative about them - even if they don't actually agree with the words spoken.
I am not a fan of this Government, but at least they are trying to do something. I'll admit, I can't stand Lineker, and particularly when he spouts forth from his ivory tower about things that will never really affect him because of his wealth.

LOL, good question ...”

Yes as I keep saying the “impartiality” argument is a load of nonsense.
Using it has put the BBC in a real pickle.
They’d have been better concentrating on the tweet about 1930s Germany.
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Not guilty of that one, Prudie.
Wouldn't like you to be judge and jury in a murder case. you finding them guilty because you've taken a instant dislike to them Choux. :o>
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Then don't commit a murder ;)
Ooops. Didn't go back far enough, sorry Zacs. Thank you and now Ich too. :-)
choux\another ex-Leicester player.... I am talking about David Icke\

False information will not be tolerated ;-) Reread your history book on David Icke again!!
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Did I say he was an ex Leics City footballer? No.
Was he born in Leics? Yes.
Is he an ex pro footballer? Yes.

My family are from Leics :) Must try harder, kuiperbelt ;)
choux\He has more chance than another ex-Leicester player who joined the BBC\

What did you mean by ex-Leicester player??
I think there is a meeting going on at Broadcasting House to discuss the demolition of the wall behind the statue of George Orwell. ;-)
Orwells quote doesnt seem to work on AB though,gness.Just judging by the amount of my comments that have been removed.
Well, there you are. If Jeremy Corbyn thinks the BBC should reinstate Lineker the decision to stop him presenting must be right.

After all is said and done The BBC is not going to sack him now.

If they wanted to let him go they should have done it at the outset and not just suspended him .

There appears to be more support out there for him , than against .
Hes a freelancer, so cannot be sacked, contract terminated at best...

and to show what a good boy at heart he is, heres something on another previous tweet by him bemoaning the loss of a terrorist...hes good at this isnt he ! ...
Match of The Day will be only twenty minute to-night.
choux - if it helps, I've already said that I've loathed that horrible little bighead, G.L., for over 30 years.

That has nothing to do with the next bit.
I don't honestly see that the BBC has any choice but to suspend his contract or else they'll be at the mercy of him and the ghastly Chris Packham's of this world.
The BBC is an independent organisation representing Britain and its presenters and those associated with it, must respect that. If they don't want to, they can leave.
Leave him be, he's just another biased BBC representative, so what- who give two hoots about his opinion?!

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