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He Might Not Have Done It? Right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 09:04 Tue 09th Apr 2024 | News
221 Answers

He was already on bail for assault and threatening to kill her! Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs. I hope the apologists are having a little iternal review.

Why was he on bail? Why wasn't the scum in the slammer? I think we know, once again someone dies because we are petrified of offending muslims. Madness.



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1. A man was captured, on a variety of CCTV films, stabbing to death a woman who was pushing a baby in a pushchair.2. The suspect was named, his photograph was published but his relationship to the victim was not given.3. The suspect was shown, in footage he filmed himself, assembling a baby's crib. He was confirmed as originally hailing from Bangladesh and as...
13:55 Wed 10th Apr 2024

Sorry naomi, but where's your evidence, and what does "so many" actually mean in numbers or percentage ?

These 'psychopaths' all have one thing in common.   It shouldn't be too difficult for even the least educated to ascertain what that is.

Evidence for what, Canary?

BTW - it's not "innocent until proven guilty" it's

"presumed innocent until proven guilty"

such a presumption is often misplaced.

Dave - // 

BTW - it's not "innocent until proven guilty" it's

"presumed innocent until proven guilty"

such a presumption is often misplaced. //

A matter of semantics - it does not alter the thrust of my argument - innocence is enshrined in law, until proven otherwise.

Most, if not all, so-called 'honour' killings that i have heard of or read about, have been carried out clandestinely, not in broad daylight, in a busy shopping area on a Saturday afternoon in front of so many potential witnesses.

This guy (and he is a Muslim - i've seen some of his videos/pics) cannot possibly claim this to be such an action. This was, in my opinion, purely the work of a psycopath . Religion has nothing whatsoever to do with this senseless murder. Again, imho.

Ken - // Religion has nothing whatsoever to do with this senseless murder. //

Religion has nothing to do with any murder (they are all by definition, sensless) it is simply a convenient peg to hang the motivation on.

Ken - // This guy (and he is a Muslim - i've seen some of his videos/pics) //

How can you ascertain a religious devotion from a video or picture?

//Religion has nothing to do with any murder//


In all of these discussions that has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. 

I don't think he thought that one through Naomi!

Mind boggling, dave.  

davebro - // I don't think he thought that one through Naomi! //

I have - but don't let that stop you joining naomi in her patent Patronising Club.

To repeat - any murder carried out in the name of 'religion' is done to provide an excuse for the murderer.

That is why they are not directly connected - a connection is made by the murderer.

But that connection does not apply to the vast majority of any followers of any religion, who are not compelled by their psychosis to murder other people.


naomi - // Mind boggling, dave.  //

If you two want to tut and shake your heads with your superior attitudes, why not go and do it somewhere else, you are cluttering up the thread with your mutual admiration society.

andy hughes, repeating it doesn't make it less ridiculous - and neither does your usual instant foray into rudeness. 

AH, Superior attitudes.   I think you wear that crown.

naomi - // andy hughes, repeating it doesn't make it less ridiculous - and neither does your usual instant foray into rudeness. //

It is only 'ridiculous' in your eyes, and as I am constantly obliged to point out, yours is not, much as you think it is, the definitive opinion on anything.

As for a 'foray into rudeness' - a quick glance back shows clearly that you and your acolylte were first out of that traps with that approach.

andy hughes, if you say silly things you can expect to be challenged.  No one has been rude to you - they've simply said that your claim is ridiculous - because it is.  If you're out for a row, pick on someone else.  I'm not interested.

naomi - // andy hughes, if you say silly things you can expect to be challenged. //

And if you say condescending things, you can equally expect to be challenged.

// No one has been rude to you - they've simply said that your claim is ridiculous - because it is. //

In your, and your follower's opinion, and again, that is simply your opinion, it is not, as you love to present it, the last word, ands cannot be challenged.

// If you're out for a row, pick on someone else.  I'm not interested. //

I'm not out for a row, but if stops your lofty pronouncements on my view, I'll accept your absence for further discussion.

Andy H @ 11;12 - How can you ascertain a religious devotion from a video or picture?

Well, Andy, the video i saw was of him in a store listening to the Quran on his phone. Backed up by a few pics i've seen of him, that's the conclusion i've arrived at. By the way, i didn't point his religion out to get at you.

If I had known this thread was going to be so action packed I'd have bought popcorn.

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