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He Might Not Have Done It? Right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 08:04 Tue 09th Apr 2024 | News
221 Answers

He was already on bail for assault and threatening to kill her! Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs. I hope the apologists are having a little iternal review.

Why was he on bail? Why wasn't the scum in the slammer? I think we know, once again someone dies because we are petrified of offending muslims. Madness.



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1. A man was captured, on a variety of CCTV films, stabbing to death a woman who was pushing a baby in a pushchair.2. The suspect was named, his photograph was published but his relationship to the victim was not given.3. The suspect was shown, in footage he filmed himself, assembling a baby's crib. He was confirmed as originally hailing from Bangladesh and as...
12:55 Wed 10th Apr 2024

Awww Douglas, don't be like that ...

Naomi - Are you cross with me?

Oh dear ...

Poor taste is pretty sickening but I've said my bit.  If you want to carry on making a complete fool of yourself again, Andy Hughes, that's up to you, 

Yes Miss, no Miss, please don't be cross Miss ....

Is it within the bounds of possibility for a moderator to be suspended for a similar 'offence' committed by a mere mortal?


So many questions,  so few answers....

I think Gulliver has hacked Andy's account.

You two should get a room.

Which two?

My tuppence worth is that I couldn't give a flying fox if he's a Muslim, Christian or worships a small frog called Gary, IF he is guilty, I hope he never sees the light of day again.

Fair enough.

-- answer removed --

It seems that they were  married, according to douglas' link. That makes her his property under islamic thinking and gives an added dimension to trying to understand this.

I don't know that we can ever understand this - regardless of what his motivation may or may not be offered to be. 

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Ok I've been on the naughty step, wonder how that could have happened?

I see Andy is still banging on that there is a microscopic change that the guy didn't do it and that he's not a Muslim. So a guy from Bangladesh, a Muslim country, with a Muslim name might not be a Muslim, oh and BTW Bangladesh was East Pakistan and Pakistan was created to separate the Hindus from the Muslims. The guy threatened death and assualted the victim. Do you ever play cluedo Andy?

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AH: "People don't murder people because they are Muslims, they murder people because they are mentally deranged to one degree or another." - well that may be true in cases of individual action but what about 9/11 7/7, Madrid, Bali, Oct 7? That was organised extermination of the infidel. Then there are cases like this:

A woman upset a local pedlar, he accused her of blasphempy, she was lynched by a mob. This sort of thing happens all over the muslim world, usually we don't hear about it. Stonings and floggings for the crime of being raped. etc They are and always will be barbarians.


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AH: "Mozz - No problem, I will absolutely accept your evidence thar the suspect is probably going to be proven to be a Muslim.

It rather destroys TTT's idea, based only on his name, and unknown ethnicity." - how do you work that out? He's obviously a Muslim. Man with Muslim name from a Muslim country! Ken's extra corroboration just reinforces that. Do you take the ghost bet?

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AH: "Naomi - TTT may well be right - still not confirmed  - but his judgement based on the man's name was flawed when he offered it, and it remains flawed now." - So 3 pieces of iron clad evidence that he is a muslim makes that determination "flawed"? You're not exactly detective material.

Did you get any sleep last night TTT?  ;-))

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He Might Not Have Done It? Right Oh!

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