Biden Says 'Order Must Prevail'.. in The AnswerBank: News
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Biden Says 'Order Must Prevail'..

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naomi24 | 11:09 Fri 03rd May 2024 | News
38 Answers

....after UCLA Gaza protest camp cleared.


//Police have detained more than 2,000 people nationwide in the past fortnight at college rallies and protest camps.//




Why do these people - like the pro-Palestine protesters elsewhere - think that bringing chaos to their own society will produce a solution?   If order does not prevail the result is mayhem - and that is self-destructive.

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If it hadn't been for such thinking amonsgt the suffragettes naomi you possibly still wouldn't have the privikege of the vote.

 think that bringing chaos to their own society will produce a solution?

They do the Freedom of Speech bit much more than we do. - how should the freedom be limited? - - "never" say some.

so discussions start - everyone knows shouting 'fire' in a cinema is NOT an exercise of freedom of speech

er rather obvious to us.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure. However I think people sometimes need to do SOMETHING. Even if it does's resolve their ultimate ends, some people just can't sit idly by when they see such terrible things happening

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I wasn't around at the time, Canary, but I don't recall reading about people in other countries marching for my 'rights'.

Suffragettes were campaigning for something in their own country

And for everybody the trigger is different. There are probably some things that you would rise up in protest against it's just that would be different to things than I would rise up in protest against I suppose

If it hadn't been for such thinking amonsgt the suffragettes 

and was indeed the subject of much discussion and dissent, at that time. 

Some things ar ebadly mis-calculated -  Emily Davidson said just before she walked in front of  the Kings horse at the Derby 1913 "I will be back in a minute". For ABers: she wasnt. 

and the revolting four at Kent State uni Ohio deffo did NOT go out that day, thinking they wd be shot....

Isolationism rules OK

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That's a new one for you, Canary.  It's usually xenophobe or racist or mysogynist or any of the other currently trendy words designed to silence the opposition.  Where did you dig that one up?

 but I don't recall reading about people in other countries marching for my 'rights'.

oh right so there were no Vietnam marches or those against Apartheid - - - riiiiiight! - history being re-writtn before your very eyes, punters !

for further hilarious lapses of memory - see the  Post Office inquiry.. Men in Black neuralyser at work !

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Peter Pedant, I don't live in Vietnam or South Africa.

Where were they when Ukrainian childdren were being murdered and the US congress was witholding aid?

I have no sympathy I'm afraid: peaceful protest yes, and I feel sorry for the genuinely peaceful ones, but their protests where intimidating and disruptive and sadly the peaceful protesters are always drowned out by the violent ones.

can a mod perhaps filter the insults being bandied around ?

Comment in the press about the concept of 'Order' in the Land of the Free,  and less questioning of authority. So Trump sounding off is a side effect of his (T's) thinking he is still in charge and can give orders.

Also they tend to do as the police say -  christ with the amount of arms, I am not surprised, my name is not George FLoyd

damn savages...

I thought Biden was spot on.

He was dave: and he spoke clearly and simply, which he can do when he has to.

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I'm convinced that many of those shouting the loudest have no real idea of what they're supporting.  

And who were they protesting against? Arguably the US government has been a restraining hand on Netanyahu, or tried to be.

Peter Pedant, I don't live in Vietnam or South Africa.

( vaaairy interesting - Rowan and Martin)

this was an example ( two actually) of people demonstrating in one country about another. It is at these times I can see why I am considered a freak

as for OTHER countries demonstrating about outside third-country interference - any african country and America .

I can recommend the Post Office inquiry - the dialog is  like this for days at a time

Sitting in a tent on the campus of your university is hardly bringing mayhem to anyone.

The masked pro-Zionist hooligans who attacked a peaceful demonstration are the ones who should be attracting the attention of the police.

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