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How Long Until There Are No Women In Sports?

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youngmafbog | 14:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
155 Answers

This latest is unbelievable.  Not only was the IOC decisoin luducrous but also outright dangerous.  Boxing is not a sport to play woke politics with.

This needs to stop NOW.




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because she was assigned female at birth andy and is not transgender. 

you are intoning it like a religious doctrine jack. there is no reasoning in your posts. 

a person is born with female genitalia, grows up a girl, and never changes her identity. how is this person a man? 

rather like southport and the made up muslim attacker, certain quarters have simply decided to treat this person as though she is trans when she is no such thing.

AFAB does not imply that the 'internal' plumbing is female, only that there is no penis nor scrotum apparent.

That's what happened to him.

No-one has suggested that he is transgender - he is a man who has been socialised and lives as a woman and that is perfectly acceptable.

He simply shouldn't be in a boxing ring punching ring.

How is that person a man?  Because he never was a girl in the first place. 

I'm only intoning it because some people are failing to grasp the simplicity of the matter...

^ *punching women, of course

untitled; Do you have a link to state that Kalief has a cervix, uterus & vagina, or is it hearsay?

I don't know enough (anything) about the science in this case to be able to knowledgeably comment.




When 'Lia' Thomas became the number one ranked 'female' swimmer by the NCAA, having previously ranked about 500 in the men's category, SP commented "good for her", so it seems SP has an agenda.

Yes, why is it acceptable for about 50% of the population to be ignored and dismissed in defence of a minute minority by the subversives on this site. I can only think that those who support this boxer are just using this case to promote their dystopian dream of a non-binary society.  

Prudie my (longest) experience of debates on here demonstrates thar the vast majority of posters adopt a standard position,  regardless of the subject, and that is an approach of even handedness and fair play, rather than any sinister agenda for the future. 

I agree with deskdiary - but SP is not alone. 

Image, you're a female boxer & your opponent looks like Mike Tyson in a wig. Would you still step into that ring????

Competitors should only be allowed to compete as the gender they were assigned when their birth was registered. That should sort it, shouldn't it? Just put that in the rules. Simples!😃

Untitled - // because she was assigned female at birth andy and is not transgender. //

'Assigning' doesn't prove anything.

You can 'assign' a dog as a horse if it's born in a stable ...

You, and all of us, have no idea of the gender of the person in question, if it was assigned correctly, or if there have since been significant changes in physiology that mean that an original assessment as a female may not have been accurate.

10C - No, not 'simple' - please see my answer above this one.

One thing I heard today is that the Olympics Committee don't require sex tests, but simply trusts whatever is stated as sex in the competitor's passport. I don't know if anyone can confirm or deny that; but in these days of allowing anyone to put lies in official documentation it seems a poor choice of decider.


It seems to me that anyone with a clear issue regarding which group they should compete in should probably be assigned to a single group and compete among themselves, thus avoid the controversy and the stress that comes with it.

O-G has the answer. My late, trans-male Goddaughter/son was thrilled to win a cycling race in an 'ungendered' category.  That is the way to go i.m.o..

Jourdain - But while there is residual millions to be made from Olympic success, the deeply entrenched corruption will continue to grow - this is just one more murky example of what goes on.

Strange, isn't it, how women identifying as men don't compete against men?

This man should be charged and prosecuted as a criminal, for lies and misrepresentation for personal gain, in a civil court. 

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