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How Long Until There Are No Women In Sports?

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youngmafbog | 14:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
155 Answers

This latest is unbelievable.  Not only was the IOC decisoin luducrous but also outright dangerous.  Boxing is not a sport to play woke politics with.

This needs to stop NOW.




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Naomi - // YMB, real women appear to have become an irrelevance in the wonky world that encourages self-identification regardless of how ludicrous those choices might be.  I said something similar here a while ago.  The response was basically 'tough'.  //

It's interesting that, in or modern woke world, it is women saddled with the burden of coping with attention-seeking idiots who want to 're-identify' themselves, and it is men who are causing the problems for them.

So no change there.


What sex was Khelif assigned at birth? Was she born biologically male or female? 

Khelif has always competed in the women's division and is recognised by the International IOC as a female athlete. 

"The Algerian boxer was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, boxed as a female, has a female passport," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said on Friday.

"This is not a transgender case. There has been some confusion that somehow it's a man fighting a woman, this is just not the case. On that there is consensus, scientifically this is not a man fighting a woman."

I urge the reader to read the whole of that link rather than just the bit you've selected to copy and paste here, SP.

Surely the time to assess the fairness of the two fighters in facing each other should have been properly assessed before the bout, not in a post mortem after it?

sp - The IBC stated that Khelif is a man and would therefore be barred from fighting woman.

The IOC decided to ignore this and treat her as a woman for the olympic boxing tournament.

The fact that women have previously beaten Khelif is of no consequence and bringing it up is veering pretty close to the 'well they should just train harder' school of thought currently in vogue when addressing the issue of how women are supposed to deal with men presenting themselves in women's sports.

Yes - definitely. That's why it's good to post link to whatever article you're quoting. There were other bits I could've quoted - but AB members can read for themselves.


The IOC said:

"We don't know what the protocol was, we don't know whether the test was accurate, we don't know whether we should believe the test," said IOC spokesperson Adams.


Does anyone know what protocols both boxing committees lay down? IOC tests include testosterone levels, but what about the IBA? What is more accurate?


Yes, you would've thought this should've been sorted out months ago 

SP - //


Yes, you would've thought this should've been sorted out months ago //

But as we know, where embedded corruption is involved - step forward international sport in general, and the Olympics in particular, any amount of chicanery, lying, swerving, ignoring, and simply not caring, will ensure that those with the power get what they want.

As advised wisely earlier on the thread - if any and all women simply refuse to step into the ring with a fighter who has not been proven to be of their gender, then the problem vanishes.

Of course, that means that pressures, not least from the boxers themselves, having trained for decades for a shot at an Olympic, or otherwise sought-after title, will be willing to walk away in the interests of fairness and justice, while simultaneously instantly and irreversibly torpedoing their own career in the process.

That is why this situation occured, and will occur again.

Thanks Jack - illuminating.

I notice it does not confirm that Ms Kelif did not contest the ruling, and therefore it does not appear to be legally binding.

Of course, the term 'legally binding' is easily ignored by the Olympic Committe, which appears to adopt an attitude of "We agree and adhere to all International Rulings Regarding Eligability - unless we don't happen to feel like it, in which case we'll go our own sweet way, because we can."

Andy - Khelif contested it but dropped her appeal part-way through, although it doesn't say so in that particular statement.

Todays 'man in the ring' Lin Yu-Ting didn't contest the ruling.

Men punching women broadcast around the world.


Andy-Hughes @ 14:15

\\Boxing is barbaric, it should have no place for men or women in any public arena, so really situation this just underlines that viewpoint.//

Your viewpoint.

webbo - // 

Andy-Hughes @ 14:15

\\Boxing is barbaric, it should have no place for men or women in any public arena, so really situation this just underlines that viewpoint.//

Your viewpoint. //

Obviously it's my viewpoint, who else's view point would it, or could it be?

Your point is ... ?

// Todays 'man in the ring' //

Lin Yu-Ting won by a unanimous points decision after the full 3 rounds.

floats like a butterfly, stings like a he?

Does Khelif have a cervix, a uterus and a vagina ? We should be told.

i think it is ludicrous to insist that imane khelif is a man. she has female genitalia, was assigned female at birth because of this, was raised as a girl by her family, and is not transgender. i don't see how one can possibly claim that she is a man.

the IBA have now clarified that they only test for chromosomes and not for testosterone--which if i am not mistaken the olympics does. it seems to me that the IBA's rules are at fault here precisely because they exclude women like khelif.

yes she does khandro.

Untitled - // yes she does khandro. //

How do you know?

Khelif is a man.

The y-chromosome may be inconvenient to those professing that he is a woman but he is a man for a' that.

Semantics, finger-crossing and magical thinking will never change that fact.

Nor for Lin Yu-Ting.

Even they didn't challenge the IBA ruling given the results of the medical tests - that alone speaks volumes.

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