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How Long Until There Are No Women In Sports?

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youngmafbog | 14:05 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
155 Answers

This latest is unbelievable.  Not only was the IOC decisoin luducrous but also outright dangerous.  Boxing is not a sport to play woke politics with.

This needs to stop NOW.




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Khandro - // This man should be charged and prosecuted as a criminal, for lies and misrepresentation for personal gain, in a civil court. //

Yet again your vengeful streak is front and centre.

Proving that misrepresentation was the responsibility of the individual alone, and for financial gain would be impossible to prove.

Which is why your fervent desire for the punishment of complete strangers for 'crimes' you don't know they have actually committed, will have to stay where they belong, in your overactive immagination.

AH; The man is a cheat, everyone but you seems to know that simple fact.

Khandro - I have offered no opinion either way on the veracity of gender claims - your hostility is letting you make things up.

Please check back through my posts -they express opinions on the barbarism of boxing and corruption in sport - nothing about the truth or otherwise of the gender of the person involved. 

 The IOC said it is in the middle of a minefield, but all they need to do is stop these miss matches. They are toothless when they should be taking action.

'If you want to see what total ideological capture looks like, look no further than the International Olympic Committee allowing two male boxers to fight women at the Paris Olympics.

Preventing male boxers from being allowed to repeatedly punch women in the face should be an obvious and easy decision for any sports administrator to make.

That’s the decision that the International Boxing Association made in 2023 when it banned Lin Yu-Ting of Taiwan and Imane Khelif of Algeria from competing as women after sex testing revealed that they were males with XY chromosomes. The IOC’s refusal to do the same makes clear the stranglehold that ideology has over it. And it is female athletes who are paying the price.

The IOC was fully aware both these athletes were male when it allowed them to compete in the women’s competition in Paris. Somehow, the world’s media, which collectively paid billions of dollars for the rights to cover the Olympics, failed to pick up on the scandal until a small independent outlet, Reduxx, reported it after the games had already started.

Once the story was revealed, there was a wave of condemnation from around the world. Former boxing world champion Barry McGuigan summed it up when he said, ‘It’s shocking that they were actually allowed to get this far, what is going on?’

The Spectator Australia

It's not shocking at all.

It's institutional corruption, which is a subtitle for the Olympic Games. 

Why is anyone remotely surprised?

It's not only shocking, it's an absolute disgrace.  Those men - along with the people who are allowing it to happen - have nothing to be proud of.  They ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

it may be worth mentioning that the IAB test which they say confirmed XY chromosomes has not actually been publicised and that the IAB was disassociated from the olympics because of documented corruption and malpractice. why have no idea how or why these individuals were declared to be biologically male. 

//The IBA never said they had XY chromosomes! On March 25, 2023, IBA President Umar Kremlev said that the boxers disqualified at the championships had XY chromosomes. He said this in a statement to TASS News. There were only two boxers disqualified at the championships: Lin and Khelif.But Kremlev could be lying! Over the last 72 hours, the IBA has released two separate statements confirming that Khelif and Lin were not subject to testosterone testing, but had instead been subjected to a separate test validated by two independent laboratories. That test confirmed they were not eligible to compete in women's boxing as per the IBA guidelines. Crucially, the IBA defines "woman" as "an individual with XX chromosomes." In their guidelines, they also indicate that the gender tests they use to determine if a person is eligible to compete with women is a chromosomal test, not a hormone test. In their second statement, the IBA condemned the IOC for allowing Khelif and Lin to proceed as they believed it was putting female boxers at risk and that they did not support "boxing between the genders."

Why doesn't the IBA release the test! They cannot. It is protected medical information. They would be sued. Khelif and Lin, however, can agree to have the laboratories release those tests themselves... Why haven't they?

The IBA is corrupt and cannot be trusted! The IOC has long had an issue with the IBA because the IBA has refused to disqualify Russian athletes on the basis of their national identity. Claims of the IBA's "corruption" can basically be summarized to "Russia bad, Russians evil." The IBA has literally no history of bullshitting about the sex of boxers involved and it doesn't benefit them in any kind of way to do so.//

Men shouldn't be able to fight women on the world stage.

TASS is a russian state propaganda outlet 

It is, but other outlets were similarly appraised of the situation. This is simply the outlet mentioned in the article I got this information from.

Men shouldn't be allowed to fight women.

Naomi at 13.15 - Why are you shocked?

The modern Olympics couldn't lie straight in bed, they do this kind of thing routinely.

When registered at birth, a baby is assigned/declared/stated/defined/naturally, whatever word you choose, as either male or female, in accordance with the relevant country' laws. Male or female. What's wrong with putting that in the rules? 

//Male or female. What's wrong with putting that in the rules? //

the problem with that is it's based on the observation and judgment of a 3rd party. the LGBTQ+++++ lobby will tell you that genitalia does not define gender.

//the LGBTQ+++++ lobby will tell you that genitalia does not define gender.//

It's the TQ++++++ lot who will tell you that......although now that it is claimed that Khelif is in possession of a vagina, it appears that genitalia does define your gender......again.

Gender still has to be declared when registering a birth. It's one or t'other. Male or female, no matter who is registering. What else can it be? The law doesn't allow it to be anything else. It's male or female. 

10cs - If you had bothered to read this thread properly, you'd know that this debacle is based on the fact that that particular observation can be wrong.


Actually, when my first grandchild was born, the nurse said to my SIL "congratulations, you have a little boy!" There he was, saying "Hiya mate. You're wonderful my mate etc" 20 minutes later, the nurse came and apologised and said it wasn't a boy, it was a girl. Tis true. But a child still has to be registered male or female, even after all the comments above. Tis one or t'other. 

For the purposes of this debate we need to move away from the term "gender". For some inexplicable reason it has become largely a matter of opinion and is meaningless.

What matters is biological sex. This is determined at conception and, except in a miniscule number of cases, is immutable. Strangely, an unusualy disproportionate number of that very small minority seem to be involved in women's sport.

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