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Anyone On The Fence About Capital Punishment?

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ToraToraTora | 11:53 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
137 Answers

I have traditionally been in favour of capital punishment though I sometimes waver. Those against it often do impress me with their reasoning and I get persuaded that maybe the state should never execute it's own citizens. Then a case like this comes along and I start to think that sometimes there are such depraved humans that it's a case of disposal of a pathogen rather than execution. No doubt AH will tell me that it's emotive and we should ignore the circumstances. Your Thoughts......



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Naomi - // Andy Hughes, it's a poor argument - according to you - because you disagree.  I disagree with you.  Accept it. //

I don' t think I will thanks, for the reasons I have outlined.

I accept your right to disagree, I just take issue with your example in doing so.

No fence required. Top them, forget them.

Anyone care to answer my query @14:34?

I would vote yes should there ever be a referendum on the return of the death penalty. Under extreme circumstances and only when it could be proved 100% that the perpetrator was guilty. The Law would have to stipulate what crimes could be punishable by death which I would guess would be those that included serial killers and terrorism. 

There is nothing civilised in murdering innocent children . They are guilty and don't deserve to live. A lethal drink would be the best way to get rid of them. Why would anyone want to incarcerate   them for the rest of their lives. Do you believe in torture because that's what that would be.

IMO it is morally wrong to take another person's life, and only justified in extreme circumstances. The State wanting to murder as a form of punishment is certainly not one of them. To allow that is to put the nation on the moral level of it's worst individual, and by association all citizens in that nation at that level too.

Barring a return to capital punishment (which the public won't be offered a vote on) every convicted murderer should be given easy access to suicide. Some have hung themselves - I feel sure they would rather have had a cyanide pill.

"State sponsored murder" 🙄

No, I'm not on the fence.

The State doesn't mind murdering innocent people in a war so why on earth should they bother about killing guilty murderers.

Prisoners given the choice between a live in incarceration and being put out of your misery ,I think most would choose the latter. 

I don't regard it as 'punishment', OG, but simply as a certain method of keeping society safe.  We destroy mad dogs for the same reason,

Punishment goes with Crime. In any case it's worse than that as the convicted gets a period contemplating what is in store and going through the procedure.


War is an exceptional  circumstance as it is either a response to those trying to kill you, or a national/global act that simply can not be ignored nor dealt with any other way. It is not comparable to holding someone and then inflicting death on them.

To answer the OP, yes, I'm on the fence as regards CP. 

Basically against it, a recent multiple-rape (not murder) case in nearby Gosport has me seriously wanting to dispose of the perpetrator for what he put his victims through. Also, the thought that he may one day be back on the streets must be quite difficult for them to handle.

naomi - // We destroy mad dogs for the same reason, //

Dogs are not human beings though, are they.

As usual when this subject is debated, the majority of posts reflect an attitude that death is too good for such criminals, and good riddance, and I'd be happy to do it, and so on and so on.

But what concerns me, is that this attitude, understandable as it is, indicates a somewhat casual attitude towards the loss of life that execution involves, and I do wonder whether that ability to feel satisfied at the death of someone is really not a mindset that lends itself to a civilised populace.

If murderers are indifferent to the deaths of their victims, what does it say about us, that we can be equally indifferent to their death, in a more considered and calculated circumstance of an execution?

Something maybe to think about?

I get the feeling that though I am probably the only person on this thread that has actually had interaction( and association with)  real life murderes that my enqury earlir on went unanswerwred because it CANT be answered..

How the hell could you in all good conscience, execute a man for killing his child sex abussers?

Let's see now.

Murder is wrong, so as you murdered someone we are going to murder you.

Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

2 wrongs make it right 😀

Even if a death penalty were to be carried out only when it was 100% certain the person had committed the offence, that, "certainty" would be based only upon the knowledge at that time.

A couple of decades from now, medical advances might show someone had not been in full control of their actions at the time of a murder because of a specific medical condition or DNA marker.

That would be of no use to a dead person.

 Two men  stabbed a man in a wheelchair to death yesterday in East London. 

We need a strong deterrent.  

Andres - Statistics clearly demonstrate that capital punishment does not act as a deterrent. 

Minds irrational enough to kill someone do not stop because they are considering the potential consequences of their actions. 

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