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Anyone On The Fence About Capital Punishment?

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ToraToraTora | 11:53 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
137 Answers

I have traditionally been in favour of capital punishment though I sometimes waver. Those against it often do impress me with their reasoning and I get persuaded that maybe the state should never execute it's own citizens. Then a case like this comes along and I start to think that sometimes there are such depraved humans that it's a case of disposal of a pathogen rather than execution. No doubt AH will tell me that it's emotive and we should ignore the circumstances. Your Thoughts......



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Would you not take a mild, filtered, one?

Those full strength ones can only be bad for your health.

sorry AH----mine @12.01. The man stabbed to death yesterday in East London

To --AH^^^@12.53

sandy - // Khandro

Would you not take a mild, filtered, one?

Those full strength ones can only be bad for your health. //

And a brandy on an empty stomach might make you a bit tipsy, and impair your cognitive reflexes.

andy-hughes, //I get it from the belief that killing someone is inhuman//


But 'regardless of crime' isn't part of the argument and never has been.  No one suggested that - except you.  As for sliding scales of self-righteousness, perhaps in this instance the less said about that the better.

//Would the pro hanging lobby be content with the thought that occasionally an innocent might be executed if they could see lots of the guilty strung up?//

Yes - if 1 innocent was executed for every 99 guilty I would consider that acceptable (it would be far fewer though).

And - before you ask - even if the "innocent" was me!

Or a close family member?

however the cookie crumbles...

Why wont anyone who advocates for capital punishment answer my post @ 14:34 yesterday?

If capital punishment were a thing nowadays, how would you judge that?

I'll answer it, nailedit.  I would say extentuating circumstances must be considered.  In your friend's case, that would apply.  There's no way his crime resembles those I mentioned earlier - the killer of Lee Rigby, Ian Huntley and the Wests.

Would the jury be free to bring in s verdict of manslaughter?  Or, if not, strongly recommend clemency?

Your post nailed it to save people trawling through:

//Who decides who gets to live and who get the rope?

Is it a one size fits all regardless of circumstances? That if you take a life you forfeit yours?

Having served time alongside murderers, one case sticks in my memory. I was in Walton prison at the time. This guy was a double murderer. He was abused by a paedophile ring as a child and later on in life he found out where 2 of them lived and killed them. He was such an unasuming , mild mannered bloke but his head was a mess. He was awaiting to transfer to Ashworth mental hospital.

Would anyone give a man like this the rope?

Personally I would have given him a medal.//

I don't think ANYONE here is advocating capital punishment for ALL murders - in my scenario a jury would decide jail or the the rope with a judges advice.

My final word on this thread - Wayne Couzens - yeah or nay?


naomi - // As for sliding scales of self-righteousness, perhaps in this instance the less said about that the better. //

Right back at you.

naomi - //  I would say extentuating circumstances must be considered.  In your friend's case, that would apply.  There's no way his crime resembles those I mentioned earlier - the killer of Lee Rigby, Ian Huntley and the Wests. //

But fortunately, we don't need to waste valuable time and money, not to say causing stress by making people make decisions they may regret forever - because as it stands, we don't kill people, so why go looking for a more complex solution?

Unless of course, the overriding impetous towards supporting capital punishment remains - a primal need for revenge and moral satisfaction.

andy-hughes, //the overriding impetous towards supporting capital punishment remains - a primal need for revenge and moral satisfaction.//


I've explained my reasoning - and that, as you will see if you take the time to read it, isn't it.

naomi - at 13.09, you posted this - 

// But 'regardless of crime' isn't part of the argument and never has been. //

And at 13.29, you posted this - 

// I would say extentuating circumstances must be considered.  In your friend's case, that would apply.  There's no way his crime resembles those I mentioned earlier - the killer of Lee Rigby, Ian Huntley and the Wests. //

So one contradicts the other.

Care to pick a lane?

naomi - // 

andy-hughes, //the overriding impetous towards supporting capital punishment remains - a primal need for revenge and moral satisfaction.//

I've explained my reasoning - and that, as you will see if you take the time to read it, isn't it. //

I was not referring to your stance specifically - indeed having debated this issue with you several times, I know your argument to be more reasoned and thought out than the standard knee-jerk "I'll do it!!!" positions of the majority of posters on this thread - and others of its type.

andy-hughes, no contradiction there.  'Regardless of crime' means just that.  Taking circumstances into consideration means something else entirely - and you are still the only one here who is talking about 'regardless of crime'.

naomi - // ... and you are still the only one here who is talking about 'regardless of crime'. //

And your point is?

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