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The Right To Bear Arms

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douglas9401 | 21:06 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

But absolutely no requirement to be proficient.



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This has a whiff of electioneering bullshheet about it.

In America there are gunshots in most peoples 'vicinity' pretty much every day.

It would appear the shots were fired by the Secret Service at someone pointing a rifle towards the golf club. 

I'm with Tomus. There's no limit to the depth Trump will sink to.

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"'Violence has no place in America,' says Harris"


OMG, she's as blinkered and delusional as the rest of them.

Yes, I've picked up on that as well, Douglas.  😟

This has a whiff of electioneering bullshheet about it.

un mimsy and against rule 5 ( un mimsiness banned) but true

the mods will fix this soon ( deletion) and make it truer !

It was a cat from Springfield or a Swiftie who didn't like Trump being rude about Taylor

you mean - - - the *** are after him ?

this thread will not last

missies - change mi into pu

censorship  - mods keeping it alive thank god - no disgusting filth you get on othe sites

You would think that with a country containing 500 Million guns, that they would be able to find someone with the ability to fire one straight.

just so long as they don't arm bears...

Wish I had "Bear Arms"

Mine are skinny and hairless ☹

Should have been born in America 😪

So an attempted assasination is all TRumps fault and you all wish he had hit Trump?

Take a step back and look at yourselves, what sort of person wishes someone dead (Apart from Hitler/Putin etc).?

//So an attempted assasination is all TRumps fault and you all wish he had hit Trump?//


Yeah, ok, whatever makes you happy 🥱

Look at the OP.

Do you understand the last sentence or had too many Swanns by now?

Please explain what //Swanns// actually means. 🤔

Google hasn't helped, is this a word you've created yourself?

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He tends to do that when not being Tora.

mornin Doug

even the pro Trump Reps are saying " er we are not sure if this were a put-up job" - -  only in America


It might be cockernee rhyming slang, there is a lot of it about here. But can't help you what it means. Swan is a brand of matches?

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