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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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Khandro | 12:40 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
92 Answers

It appears that the stats were fiddled by the pro-trans lobby.

Has any other tiny, insignificantly small group of people gained so much public limelight?



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If the medical profession are handing out puberty blockers, that's a failing of those involved, not because of some supposed agenda. That should be stopped immediately, but teaching acceptance is still, and remain, a positive thing.


Anyone teaching hate towards a minority is part of the problem.

Trans-ideology has a disproportionate influence across just about all areas of society.

It is insidious and needs to be rooted out from those organisations where it has gained significant footholds - education being a case in point.

What do you suggest then Jack, that the issue is just ignored, or that kids are toughest it's wrong and perverted and should be treated as such?

*kids are taught

For starters, I wouldn't suggest that children are taught that it is possible to change their sex.

They should, naturally, be taught to respect however anyone else wishes to present themselves (within reason) - but this should be focused upon for older children.

Younger children must be allowed to grow-up more or less oblivious to any sort of gender norms until they reach such an age where it may start to matter.

Auntypoll: "They are educated as to what trans involves"

+ Mozz 13:32:

It should not even come up in school. Something that could possible affect the tiniest proportion of society. It's like teaching kids that they may have a propensity to go bald early one day, they might but it's not something that should come up in school.

They are telling primary school kids that if they don't like being a boy/girl they can switch, madness.

JTH: "Younger children must be allowed to grow-up more or less oblivious to any sort of gender norms until they reach such an age where it may start to matter." - bang on.

"At least 30 per cent of schools teach their students that a person who self-identifies as a different gender should be treated as that gender in all circumstances, even if this doesn’t match their biological sex."   

I find that shocking, and as someone with grandchildren, makes me sick that they are being taught this unscientific bulldust.

it has a disproportionately high high influence for such a minute proportion of trans individuals, and one wonder if they actually are, or just have some kind of mental disorder, and that seems to be forgotten or brushed aside, i have a few gay friends who find it over the top and not deserving such a high profile of media coverage let alone teaching it in schools.

JtH 13:38

Actually I agree with all that. Let kids be kids and teach them to respect choice of the individual.

"...i have a few gay friends who find it over the top and not deserving such a high profile of media coverage let alone teaching it in schools."

Aye, no interest group likes to lose their influence to another.

"It should not even come up in school. Something that could possible affect the tiniest proportion of society. It's like teaching kids that they may have a propensity to go bald early one day, they might but it's not something that should come up in school"

what about if there is a trans pupil or teacher?

"They are telling primary school kids that if they don't like being a boy/girl they can switch"  mydaughter (who left primary school a year ago) was not taught that, maybe it depends on the school

Mind you, it's sometimes hard to take you seriously, when you said in all seriousness before, that showing two girls kissing in a teen program was foreplay/porn and likely to corrupt your grandson 

And here we see the Metro Liberals ignoring facts to support their totally wrong agendas.

Sadly children have been taught this ideology as fact when often it isnt, some of the kids are too young also.  It's not across the board but if you have teachers/heads that have allowed the school to be infiltrated by the likes of Stonwall etc then it becomes a problem.  

Those on here denying it need to give thier heads a wobble, YOU are alot of the problem.

and where did you get that information youngmafbog? 

bednobs: "what about if there is a trans pupil or teacher?" - irrelevant to normal education, that is the primary function of a school.

bednobs: "Mind you, it's sometimes hard to take you seriously, when you said in all seriousness before, that showing two girls kissing in a teen program was foreplay/porn and likely to corrupt your grandson " - I am amazed that people like you think showing lesbian foreplay is ok for kids programs.

ach, i cant really get into that convo again with you (esp as this OP has nothing to do with it) and let's face it,neither of us is going to change their views

Because it's the noisy minorities that get attention and allowed to affect the system and our culture.

No it isn't.  Young people are encouraged.

no they arent as gormless as you think. It is well established that yo cant make a child trans by yelling at him " you are trans, you are trans"

well shown by gay  conversion therapy ( doesnt work)

Holly Johnson ( lead singer of Frankie goes to Hollywood, was on the tel the other day - now er  an OAP. Frankie (1980) tried to bill "being  gay" as Holly and Paul Rutherford were. ( but not the guitarist unfortunately nicknamed "Pedder")

and the kids wouldnt wear it. The sales plummeted and so...... the ads were changed mid-campaign -  "Holly likes fruit" and "Paul likes fruit". This hiatus was noticed and the story behind it ( they tried to sell being gay to teenagers and they wdnt wear it) came  out ( pun intended)

Compulsory R.E. fills the churches, innit?

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