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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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Khandro | 12:40 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
92 Answers

It appears that the stats were fiddled by the pro-trans lobby.

Has any other tiny, insignificantly small group of people gained so much public limelight?



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they do go into old folks homes. nobody kicks up a stink about it.

naomi-what do you think is being encouraged? why is a drag queen reading to children a problem but panto dames are not? 

untitled,  I've given you plenty of information so I suggest you read it and make every effort to understand it.  These men are not playing the part of pantomime dames when they're in schools.  This is child abuse.

JTH how on earth do you know how many drag queens go into old folks homes? Talk about making up facts for your own agenda . 🤨We have a couple of drag queens go into care homes and they have a whale of a time singing them old songs, no one cares.  Being very personal here but looks like its no secret -how did you decide you were Gay?  A teacher at school persuaded you?  someone talked to you in a pub and you thought 'ok that sounds fun'? i did'nt think so, you made up your own mind based on how you felt. Please give young people the same respect as I assume you got when you came out. Go and ask a few Gay people in their nineties what it was like for them 60 years ago, they were getting the same disrespect and judgemental behaviours, and it was illegal!

naomi I really think you have lost the plot. What you have said is highly offensive to those who have been victims of real abuse. Do  you honestly think kids are so feeble minded they will go home and start wearing clothes of the opposite gender because a drag quenn comes to visit? 🤣🤣🤣

Auntypoll. it's not offensive to those who've been on the receiving end of this indoctrination - and in later years realise it.

i did read them. they refer to a person who as far as i know is not trans who reads stories in school while in drag. this does not consitute "encouraging children to transition". 

i think it is distasteful to call that "child abuse" considering that emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of children is an extremely serious problem that ruins lives constantly and is far more likely to be committed in the home by family members. i'm sure you'll do the decent thing and retract that as it does trivialize something very serious by comparing it to drag queens reading stories. 

A drag queen is a man who dresses up as a woman for entertainment only. Everyone knows this. Totally different to a bloke dressing as a woman and telling everyone that he is a woman and expecting everyone to acknowledge this.

Retract it?  Not on your nellie.  I'm pleased to see you've included 'emotional' abuse in that list, untitled.  That's exactly what I'm talking about.

///We have a couple of drag queens go into care homes and they have a whale of a time singing them old songs, no one cares.///

Crikey. It's quite impressive just how often you have a personal example to fit every eventuality.

The whole LGB community is a very different thing from the TQ+++++++++ nonsense.

The % of those at the spearhead of the TQ+++++ agenda being sexual predators is very concerning.

Dave, I was just about to write what you wrote. naomi seems confused as to the difference between a man transitioning, a drag queen, and a transvestite. All very different. Quite a few drag queens are married ( to women) and have kids, as do transvestites like Grason Perry.


if you really think that naomi then i'm afraid you don't have a very good grasp on what emotional abuse is. it is a truly horrific thing and being read a story by a man in drag does not qualify sorry. 

JTH obviously hit a nerve there did'nt I...appologies. My gay friends hate the LGBTQ community with a passion so not quite sure where you are going with that one.

indeed it is quite bizarre naomi chose this as her example of children being "encouraged to transition". i suspect she didn't have better ones. 

No confusion here, Auntypoll - and no lost plot either.  These people are messing with young, impressionable minds - and if that doesn't bother you, it bothers me.  I've seen the result of it.  Same to you, untitled..  

but being bothered by it does not necessarily mean you are right naomi. it just means that it bothers you.

"I've seen the result of it."

ok. what did you see?

auntypoll: "Tora, some nine year olds are starting their periods." - ok deal with those rare occurences, no need to impart the whole world of assorted sexuality on every 9 year old because of occasional early menstruation.

Auntiepoll - No, no nerve hit.

Most sensible people find that it is the TQ++++ which has been tacked onto the end of LGB to be distaseful and 'hated with a passion'.

I don't like to be force-teamed with those suffering from innumberable paraphilias.

This is an interesting article, untitled, although I doubt you'll like it..

hatred with a passion certainly sounds like a healthy way to feel about a whole demographic of people 😐

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