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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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Khandro | 12:40 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
92 Answers

It appears that the stats were fiddled by the pro-trans lobby.

Has any other tiny, insignificantly small group of people gained so much public limelight?



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there isn't a big push to force it onto children. this is a myth that has been invented to frighten the elderly.

//this is a myth that has been invented to frighten the elderly.//


No it isn't.  Young people are encouraged.

That's where you're wrong, Untitled.


Thankfully the last government did something about it.

no they aren't naomi. 

"Today, it's been revealed that the number of trans people in Britain was probably grossly exaggerated in the latest census because of the Office for National Statistics, asked a confusing question, and the suspicion is that the wording of that question was set by a pro-trans lobby group."

How would the lobby group have known in advance that those not speaking English as their first language would be confused and inflate the figures?

This is how describes itself

"At CARE, our vision is to see Politics Renewed and Lives Transformed.

We believe that politics and government, at their best, can be a real force for good in our nation.

We hold the conviction that the Bible tells a better story for our broken world, a story that benefits society as a whole.

By actively participating in politics, we help shape it to be the best it can be.

Our vision is to create a society where everyone flourishes, exactly as God intends."

Nobody's pushing a trans agenda onto kids, unless you believe "be accepting of different types of people" is an agenda.

This is how describes itself

"At CARE, our vision is to see Politics Renewed and Lives Transformed.

We believe that politics and government, at their best, can be a real force for good in our nation.

We hold the conviction that the Bible tells a better story for our broken world, a story that benefits society as a whole.

By actively participating in politics, we help shape it to be the best it can be.

Our vision is to create a society where everyone flourishes, exactly as God intends."

Couldn't agree more, Atheist.

Yes ... they are, untitled.

I don't see anything particularly "shocking" in the care article

If less  than 1% are transgender - then can we have less than 1% questions on AB about it?

don't be ridiculous peter

Mozz/untitled you are wrong kids are comming home from school asking if they can become the opposite sex. People like you are allowing this to propagate. This is the neo fascism, everyone is terrified to tell the emperor he has no clothes. In the US they are drugging 9 year olds with puberty blockers at the drop of a hat. It's bleeding madness. They say less than 1%, well perhaps but I say it's more like 0.001% the rest are attention seeking weirdos or average male sportsmen who have worked out that they'll win against women and worse, society will move heaven and earth to let them. The whole thing is radio rental.

Young people are NOT encouraged to become trans, what a ridiculous statement. They are educated as to what trans involves, to  respect peoples decisions even if they don't agree, and acceptance. There are a few on here should maybe go back to school 😟

A report by Policy Exchange last year found that schools are ncreasingly becoming influenced by gender ideology, to the extent that fundamental safeguarding principles are being compromised by school’s approaches to children with gender distress and their peers.

New research within this report demonstrates that many schools are failing to routinely inform parents when a child discloses gender distress, compromising single-sex spaces, and many are teaching gender identity beliefs within Relationships, Sex & Health Education (RSHE) as if they are facts. Gender affirmative care is prevalent within the school system, despite this being at odds with safeguarding principles that have been enshrined in law for decades.

The report also highlights how gender identity beliefs came to be so embedded within the school system, by tracking the influence of external agencies promoting radical and unscientific beliefs within both the Department for Education and schools themselves. 


Auntypoll, I suggest you go back to school.

I'm so glad I am not going back to school, with this nonsense being foisted on our kids and grandkids.

Your link isn't working, sinead.  I'll have a go.



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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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