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More Hezbollah Explosions

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jackthehat | 16:01 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | News
107 Answers

The exploding pagers will have driven the terrorists to use another sort of communication device, and then.....

What next, I wonder?



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it is a war crime under the geneva conventions that israel has signed to launch indiscriminate attacks. setting off bombs in public areas is indiscriminate and many bystanders have been killed or maimed. 

you would understand this just fine if anyone other than israel did it. but because it's israel and the victims are arabs nobody cares that it's terrorism

17:54 I know. everything that has happened started on Oct 7th. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?

because it isn't true

you now deny the attrocities of Oct 7th? wow I know you terrorist supporters are dedicated but I never thought you'd stoop this low.

If actions, B,C,D and E resulted from action A, whatever they refer to, there will always need to be the question, "What prompted or caused action A?" and so it goes on...

Hamas started it on Oct 7th, Israel is right, they must be exterminated. Those helping them like Hezbollah are legitimate targets. All victims are ultimately victims of the Hamas attrocities on Oct 7th.

Do we know for sure that Israel is responsible?

i don't deny them at all. i deny that everything started there. 

Untitled, the current conflict started there. Denying it is silly.

Mushie: if you've just destroyed your ememy's communication system, is to deliver the fatal blow and destroy them

other commentators completed this with - Hezbollah were becoming suspicious.. so they acted now

and it was this comment that activated my memory on Messines 1917 ( Sappers mine and then blow up a whole ridge / hill and then say "what now?" )

18:05 this comes up every time yes there is history. This latest chapter started on Oct 7th. Prior to that there was relative calm in the region. Until we enter the next period of relative calm, everything that happens is a direct result of Oct 7th.

what do these attacks on a neighbouring country have to do with oct 7th? hamas are not based there. 

I agree, TTT.

the supposed "calm period" you are talking about included israel firing on peaceful demonstrators and killing loads of them, and rape/torture of prisoners by israeli authorities. both happened before october 7th. why do they not count?

Hezbollah are attacking Israel in support of Hamas - but you know that, untitled.

Hamas fronted, and began, an offensive against Israel. Hezbollah, like Hamas, is supported by Iran. Hamas are being destroyed, so the attack continues from Lebanon. Hezbollah has attacked Israel - this is the retaliation.

Doubtless the concentration on Gaza can be lessened to face this new threat from the enemies of Judaism, which is what it all comes down to in the end. 


and therefore what? israel gets a free pass on terrorism? kill whoever it wants, man woman or child? i don't agree. 

Untitled. I asked if we're sure that Israel is responsible.  Are we?  

18:18 Hamas/Hezbollah can end this tomorrow if they want to.

It's probably coming to a final showdown - Israel (with the USA) versus Iran. I wonder who will prevail...


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