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More Hezbollah Explosions

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jackthehat | 16:01 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | News
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The exploding pagers will have driven the terrorists to use another sort of communication device, and then.....

What next, I wonder?



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An unconfirmed "report" says that a number of pagers have been quietly dumped in litter bins close to the UN building in New York. 

does it excite you khandro. does it get the old blood flowing. 

^^ I wouldn't say it exites me, but it gives satisfaction to see justice metered out to your terrorist/child and drug traffickers, - it really does.


of the two of us you are the only one who has endorsed terrorism on this thread. 

The IDF aren't terrorists, they, unlike your friends at Hamas & Hezbollah, wear uniforms and don't hold, rape and then kill hostages.

also detonating multiple bombs in public areas that kill and maim indiscriminately is practically the dictionary definition of terrorism. you described it as "absolutely brilliant". so i'm not going to take any lectures from  a bloodthirsty old man.

Untitled; Less than a month ago 6 Israeli hostages, 4 men and 2 women were executed at point blank range in the tunnel in which they had been held captive for months. The tunnel was 5ft high and so it was not possible for them to stand. 

The women (one American) had been continually raped and they were all killed a few days before the IDF were about to arrive so that they would not be able to identify the perpetrators. 

I was outraged at this, were you? Your Sky link 'appears' to show something. This didn't 'appear' to happen - it did.

of course i was khandro. i don't recall anybody on this website referring to those murders as "absolutely brilliant" or praising them. people have done that for the terror attacks in beirut... and you are among them. 

the rape and torture of prisoners by the idf is well documented by the way. you simply don't care about it. 

Jesus untittled (mornin') you are a trier - gold star for your fridge

booby trap has been banned as a phrase during all this, ( the pagers were NOT booby trapped ) as this is defined as a war crime



the rape and torture of prisoners by the idf is well documented by the way. you simply don't care about it. 

more shoulder shrugging

I want to tell any christian volunteers going there " christ do you have ANY idea what you are letting yourself in for?"

Turkish American Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was shot in the head as she protested against illegal settlements.

obviouslydidnt - yea OK OK musllim

Untitled: One of your links refers to the period 1988-1992. !

I don't know what you are blabbering on about.  The IDF is not a terrorist organization and isn't proscribed by anybody (apart from you) as such.


Not random attacks but targeted, videos I have seen people standing next to the target unharmed. Not indiscriminate attacks like those on the tube, Manchester arena and lets not forget the IRA. talking of  Manchester still no charges on the Police attackers.

"One of your links refers to the period 1988-1992. !"

it also concerns the fact that the IDF lied about it for decades. the other two and more besides suggest that the same thing is still going on. 

the truth of the matter is khandro that you would still support the IDF even if it was proscribed as a terrorist organisation. you have proven it in this thread. you are quite happy with terrorism so long as your preferred group are doing it.

Hezbollah getting blown up is excellent.  They have reaped what they sowed by supporting Hamas.

Untitled: //.you would still support the IDF even if it was proscribed as a terrorist organisation..//

You really do talk such nonsense: you now admit the Israeli Defence Force isn't a terrorist organisation, - which by anybody's definition it couldn't be - and then postulate how I would react to such an impossibility ! ! 

Give it a rest.


If khandro has a preferred group, untitled, you seem to be of a similar mind.  Yesterday when you were talking about children injured and killed in Lebanon, I asked you about the children Hamas is still holding hostage.  You didn't reply. 

^that to untitled.

naomi  15:25 This is the problem and I find frustrating you ask a question of certain people on this site and then they disappear only to reappear with something unconnected or their latest pet gripe.

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