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How Is This Islamophobic?.....It's What Happened.

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ToraToraTora | 18:37 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
50 Answers

How can it possibly be any sort of "..ophobic" merely to remind people of what happened?



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Its not

As racist as 'see it, say it, sorted' I suppose.

Depends where one is looking when speaking we think.

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It's a public service, we should be reminded what these savages want to do to us.

It's hard to comment without knowing the detail of what was said. The article just says " Underneath it was information that referred to terror attacks". Was it just factual? Or was it implying all/most Muslims supported the terror attacks? The devil may be in the detail.

Whose facts though?

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the facts in the news doug, you know like on 7/7 etc

It doesn't say what the information that referred to terror attacks was. How things are put may or may not be phobic.


But a cracked system would be investigated anyway.

What was the message? - if you don't know what it said TTT you are going off half-cocked!

It's not Islamophobic. The same way the slightest criticism of Israel's role in the current war is not antisemitic.


Without knowing what was said the question can't be answered.

since your link doesn't reveal the content of the messages, you can just make it up yourself, which you've done.  The media are treating it as a cybersecurity event, not a hate crime, and I think that's right.

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the content showed muslim attrocities since 2003. What is so difficult?

 if you don't know what it said TTT you are going off half-cocked!

surely not surely not - he is the vesse; of truth

MI5 now say the majority of terrorist activity is now domestic and not concerted. The far right also have their share

( watch out ABers ! what is that loud knocking at the door ? and those men:they are wearing gas masks....)

Your link states, 'Passengers logging on to the wifi at the stations reported seeing a webpage that was titled “We love you, Europe”. Underneath it was information that referred to terror attacks.' no mention of 2003 or what the references said.

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PP: "if you don't know what it said TTT you are going off half-cocked!" - It's been surpressed we are not allowed to know the detail but we do know it was reminding people of mulsim attrocities.

ontent showed muslim attrocities since 2003.

yeah the bit I dont understand is when they machine gunned 234 of their own kind - wrong kind of muslim

( sufi and not Shia - sufis are quite cuddly, chief poet 14 cent Mawlana Ar-rumi cel-alladin - v pop in english translation in the eighties - sort of bugs bunny woss up doc philosophy)

It's a bit like critics of what's happening in the middle east being labelled anti-semitic.

"We love you,Europe"...sounds as if it was written by a Remainer.Will me and gulliver have to hand ourselves into the cops?

It's been surpressed we are not allowed to know the detail

put on a bandana, and heavy eye make up and you sound like Mystic Meg: " I see disaster in the runes...."

This is AB - fact, fact, fact, TTT !

somebody on reddit uploaded a screenshot of one of the messages

the content of it is fairly tame by answerbank standards. 

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