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Why Do The B B C Keep Saying Israel Suffered A "Defeat" On 7Th Oct?

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ToraToraTora | 12:00 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
33 Answers

"His death is a serious blow for Hamas, the organisation he turned into a fighting force that inflicted the biggest defeat on the state of Israel in its history. "

It wasn't fight it was a slaughter of civilians. How can the nation of a terror attrocity be said to have been "defeated"?

Was the USA defeated after 9/11

Spain After Madrid?

UK after 7/7?

Looks like the beeb has its own cabal of terrorist apologists.



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They are simply misspelling a t t a c k.

didnt churchill or someone say, " it is very difficult to call it a victory if you lose 21 000 men"

Pyrrhic Victory

and a French general " Eef we have another victoire like zat, we will lose the war!"

No, they didnt? OK, it is all right this is AB !

It's a strange turn of phrase. "Biggest attack" would be the correct term imho.

How can the nation of a terror attrocity be said to have been "defeated"? UK after 7/7?

7 July bombings werent an untrammelled success or victory you know

( I was kinds there, ish)

David Davis ( ex SAS officer apparently) got the first report about the London bombs from CC X , Sir, QPM, MBE, ( sir)  etc - which  started " went the day quite well..." and commented: " This report is SO bad, the whole thing will have to be done again."

the others I dont know so much about

Its a bit like me sucker punching someone and calling it the best knockout ever in my amatuer boxing days.

In Bowen's defense, he repeatedly refers to the death of Yahya Sinwar as a "victory" for Israel, so it keeps with the narrative of each event being either a victory or a defeat.


I don't much like the use of the word defeat, it seems too final for me.

But that happened when the two sides were in conflict, mozz.  On 7 October there was no conflict.  That was a terrorist attack.

You can have small victories regarding immediate aims in an ongoing conflict; which doesn't say anything about any end result.

That that differs from a situation where it is claimed some nation has been defeated; which implies an end result and the cessation of further hostilities.

It's poor use of the word, but these days, poor use of English seems to be a basic job requirement for a journalist.

But that ...

It will be interesting watcing the pro hamas/palestine march this weekend.

Its a bit like me sucker punching someone and calling it the best knockout ever in my amatuer boxing days.

people do that a lot in pubs dont they? ( not me not me, but it DOES get the other side to lie down and be quiet) - a bit like a mod marching up silently after you and deleting - - - OK OK  a metaphor too far....

didnt 1973 start with a er sur[rise defensive attack - Egyptian air force destroyed ?

1857 Did not Nana Sahib at Cawnpore hand a note to a British General " I am about to attack you" ? - cant find the ref.

This is a note of surprise attacks in History. The mods seems stuck in 'gormless' mode

It will be interesting watcing the mods here this weekend modding out any diussent

The BBC have a lot of weird writers these days. I read a report recently and the way they described a quite serious event, I thought I was reading a dime novel.

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