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Why Do The B B C Keep Saying Israel Suffered A "Defeat" On 7Th Oct?

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ToraToraTora | 12:00 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
21 Answers

"His death is a serious blow for Hamas, the organisation he turned into a fighting force that inflicted the biggest defeat on the state of Israel in its history. "

It wasn't fight it was a slaughter of civilians. How can the nation of a terror attrocity be said to have been "defeated"?

Was the USA defeated after 9/11

Spain After Madrid?

UK after 7/7?

Looks like the beeb has its own cabal of terrorist apologists.



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Very strange.

coz they need better sub-editors

because they got through israel's security

the israeli government had funded hamas and considered it an asset (this is the words of the current finance minister bezalel smotrich). by breaking through the blockade and committing acts of terror against israeli civilians including the taking of hostages they did inflict a defeat on the government. many israelis still blame netanyahu for what they see as a security failure

Defeat can only be achieved in a situation of conflict - be it war or a tennis match.  There was no conflict on 7 October - only cold blooded slaughter inflicted by barbarians.  The BBC is playing with words - spinning - but dressing it up doesn't change the facts.

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untitled "because they got through israel's security" - perlease  anyone can cut a hole in a fence and machine gun a rave full of doped up teenagers.

so when the IRA were bombing civvies, had they "defeated" the UK?

the IRA never went as far as hamas did on october 7th as far as i know... i'm not aware of them conducting a small invasion of the UK mainlaind and pillaging small towns and taking hostages on that scale. if they had then yes defeat would have been an appropriate word in the sense that they had managed to get past the security services and attack the civilian population

I think the wording is intentional in that it lends an air of respectability to Hamas.  The BBC still doesn't refer to them directly as 'terrorists', but as 'a group designated by the British Government as terrorists'' - or words to that effect.

but that's just true

"why doesn't the bbc use my exact preferred wording" lol. what a babyish complaint. 

Who said that, untitled?

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12:24 no that's your opinion and it's wrong.

You suffer a defeat if there is a contest. This was not any sort of contest just a mindless slaughter.

it isn't my opinion that hamas is designated a terrorist organisation by the uk government... that is simply a fact

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John simpson: "The word terrorism is a loaded word that people use about an outfit they dissapprove of morally...." - Yes John but I think it's ok even for the BBC to morally dissapprove of the things Hamas did on 7 Oct.

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12:29 when you said "but that's just true" - I thought you were referring to your view that shooting up a rave was a victory/defeat.

The BBC is left wing, anti-Israel and woke.


khandro would call his washing machine woke for breaking lol

It is, Khandro.

Pretty much sums it up Khandro.

Of course the terrorist loving supporters in the UK will lap it up.

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