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Why Do The B B C Keep Saying Israel Suffered A "Defeat" On 7Th Oct?

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ToraToraTora | 12:00 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
43 Answers

"His death is a serious blow for Hamas, the organisation he turned into a fighting force that inflicted the biggest defeat on the state of Israel in its history. "

It wasn't fight it was a slaughter of civilians. How can the nation of a terror attrocity be said to have been "defeated"?

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Looks like the beeb has its own cabal of terrorist apologists.



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Some say their intelligence services at least suffered a defeat.

id say aunty have to many ex uni socialists with an agenda, idealist kumbaya youngsters imho, like mao stalin hitler were just misunderstood, always two sides of wrong, or maybe they were just misunderstood, err mass murderers, no thats just conjecture, no mass murderers.. your a right wing bigot xenophobe racist..


If you thought the BBC was bad, what about Sky "News" ?


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Why Do The B B C Keep Saying Israel Suffered A "Defeat" On 7Th Oct?

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