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Scotland rules ok?

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johnlambert | 11:03 Wed 22nd Feb 2006 | News
35 Answers

It's true, our Prime Minister is a Scot, so is the Chancellor, the Armed Forces minister and even the minister for London is Scottish, our MP's can vote in the English parliament but English MP's cant vote in ours, (although I dont think thats fair).

What are your thoughts?



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Yep and the distruction of England is proceeding nicely.
Until recently the leader of the LibDems was a Scot, Charles Kennedy and at least one of the contenders for the leadership ,one Minges Campbell is a Scot. And the leader of the Tories is a Cameron. And they ,the Scots, moan about being ruled by London.
England is inundated with them - you can't go anywhere without coming across them! TV weather and news forecasters, presenters, not to mention politicians. They are everywhere - Scotland is supposed to be so great, yet they all seem to be down here - moaning about the English and telling everyone how good Scotland is!
where see in the rugby on saturday

The amount of Scots in our goverment, is only part of what it was, I've said a few times what Loosehead has said, and been taken down for it, i've even had a post removed where someon complained, but its true, this country, (England), is being destroyed by a man who hates this country with every fibre of his being.

'There will always be an England', not if T.B. has his way, and he's getting it.

Well the thing is if England wants to be solely English then it should let all us malcontened North Irish, Scots, Welsh, have our countries back and we'll all go home and leave you to it. As it is, when it suits you for political and financial reasons you blather on about the UK so make your minds up and I for one will happily clear off back to Belfast second city of Eire :)
Whats stopping you from clearing off back to Belfast now?
Yes, do tell us, noxlumos, and do you presume to speak for all the "malcontented North Irish, Scots and Welsh"?
How is it that Tony Blair is a Scot? Is it like myself, whereby he has Scottish grandparents? I don't consider myself a Scot even though my mothers parents both came from Scotland. By heritage I suppose i'm half scottish, even though i've never lived there. England is my country, but Scotland is cool too. England vs Scotland, I support England, but Scotland vs anyone else and i'm right behind them. All this hating of other countries in our own nation is stupid and pointless.
CT, who mentioned "hate"? It just irks people that a lot of them are down here, obviously to better themselves, and whilst here they moan about "the English"

Well - a simple matter CT of him being born and raised in Edinburgh and the fact that when he comes back up to Scotland he reverts to his Morningside (posh Edinburgh) accent with ease.

John you forgot that Adam Crozier was the Chief Executive of the English FA until he saw the light.They cant even get an Englishman to run their football:).

The reason you are overrun by the Scots is quite simple we are better.

All this from a population half the population of London.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.

P.S We all know we are currently cr*p at football but we dont lose sleep over it and we are sporadically good at Rugby.We still support out country through thick and thin!!!

'The reason you are overrun by the Scots is quite simple we are better.'

Tut, tut, such arrogance is a terrible thing, almost as bad as jealousy.

Drisgirl, usually you post quite sensibly, but to say,

"The reason you are overrun by the Scots is quite simple we are better."

really is ludicrous. There's nothing sensible anyone can say in reply when you talk such utter drivel!

Is there a sign for tonque in cheek?Or is it the case thats the only thing you could pick me up on?

Of course realistically we are not better but by the same token if you wish to pick me up on what was clearly an irreverant remark then why when I posted the Tom Bradbury Q was I called inferior because I was Scottish and actually worse but I chose to ignore the remarks.

For effs sake lighten up the pair of you

Dris, there is only one way to sort this out, If Scotland beat England at the Rugby this weekend, you can post a picture of your naked buttocks, and on Monday morning, and I, and all my Sassenach heathen brethren will kiss it!
If you lose, still post the picture, so we can take the mick out of your ****

BTW Mike - it was you who made the comment about Scots being in England 2 faced sod having a pop at me and saying I was talking drivel.It was obvious to anyone with any semblance of intelligance that my post was if you wish to dissect it factually correct at the beginning degenerating into a bit of as I said before tonque in cheek toward the end ( all referring to previous comments).We are used to the mudslinging so we resort to using our unique humour (sarcasm):)

xxxx to all my AB friends.

Stevie - with pleasure, although judging the size of your feet (your words) I suspect your head thus your lips are as large hence you would only be able to lick my ass not kiss it:) I think the pleasure would be all yours tho!

Pride comes before a fall ( did you're Granny not tell you that?)

Drisgirl, I couldn't quite grasp the meaning of your last post - punctuation would have helped - I think you were insinuating that I don't have any semblance of intelligance (note spelling!!) - now that's sarcasm, and not very nice is it?!!.

I did however understand your last sentence about your (?) "unique humour (sarcasm)" and would point out that sarcasm is generally accepted as the lowest form of wit.

Kettle and pot, eh??!!

I don't presume to speak for ALL malcontented Scots, Irish and Welsh, of course not, they all seem perfectly well equipped to speak for themselves, mostly in your House of Commons:)

My point was that the English can scarcely moan about the demise of "England" and being "English" when they form part of the UK. If you don't want other member countries of the UK to encroach on your "Englishness" then you'll have to do us the courtesy of not inflicting the UK upon us, otherwise in the interests of fairness you'll have to put up with it.

I can return to Belfast whenever it suits me, but since I have business interests in London, Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham as well as my native City and I pay plenty of tax for the privelidge I don't see the need to do anything that is not in the best interests of my business and as I develop property amongst other things, the best market is selling to "middle england", so for the now I'm staying here.

John - I am butting out now but I am not being pedantic byt the parliament in Westminster represents the UK.Any Mp's represent Scottish constitiencies are as entitled as MP's from Wales and NI who have their own seperate assemblies.The members of the Scottish Parliament are called MSP's and are voted for seperately.There is actually nothing new about the Scottish Parliament per sae - its just brought together local issues which would clog up Westminster.As I have said before we adhere to the Tax system and the Budget the same as the rest of the UK.I think if anyone from any part of the UK wanted to stand for their party as a potential MSP there would be nothing to stop them.We live in a democracy.

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