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Racist comments

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Scotman84 | 20:00 Fri 07th Apr 2006 | News
14 Answers
Following on from the 10 year old in Manchester appearing in court for racist comments, has any non-European person ever been prosecuted for racist comments against Europeans? If so, what are the figures - is our judicial system biased in favour of non-Europeans?


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i think this case is blown out of proportion, what young kid in playground has'nt made a rasist comment? kids call each other names one minuite then make friends the next, this matter could have been dealt with by the headteacher in school, how stupid to drag him to court, the law is an ass.
I never made any racist comments in the playground. How dare you tar me with the same brush as this little scumbag? Having said that, this is a ridiculous case.
lol @ spacechimp....very clever...i must use that one

Scotman84 - dunno if any figures are kept, but did you read that story in the Independent today about the rise of Russian skinheads? Apparently white supremicists over there are now mutilating and killing non-white students and children (there was a recent case where a nine year old girl was butchered outside her house).

Kinda puts it into perspective doesn't it?

I have never heard of any Scotman84, my guess would be zero.
people of all colours are racist .Racism isn't just a white disease. White farmers in Africa are being killed for the colour of a little thing called skin.
How a holy and pious life space chimp displays at school , so you never made a comment about any features of your peers in the play ground ???ie ginger, big ears , four eyes . I went to a mainly pakistan school and i was refered to a gura ( white) however i didn't take a deep offence.
Children always point out the obvious. what is the worrying area is when they hear their parents make racist comments then repeat it in the paly ground .

But I have big ears, ginger hair and four eyes. :(

Well, I certainly never called anyone four eyes. Ginger? Yes, but that, whilst hereditary, is not generally accepted as racial. Big ears I would say is in the same league as ginger hair, but I do have big ears and so would not use that as an insult.

good point - I may consider taking the producers of the film 'White men can't jump' to court as I find the title deeply offensive.
I wouldn't be particularly offended if someone used racist language against me, I have to say. Although I heard he called the boy "Osama bin Laden"; I would be offended if someone called me "George Bush".
'A man is a big as the things that make him angry'
I`ve been called Taff, sheep shxxxx, ginge, carrot top etc. Is that racist???

Beejaybee - until someone kills you by swinging an axe into your skull, like they did with Anthony Walker - I think you can safe in not worrying about comments about your hair colour or your Welsh heritage.

beejaybee has a point sp1814. Your comment was totally out of context. Why didnt you go the whole hog and chuck a bit of Stephen Lawrence in to the fray as well?

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