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Honour Killings.

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Joe_the_Lion | 23:42 Mon 11th Jun 2007 | News
23 Answers
Just seen on the Ten O'Clock news this dreadful news.

Not wishing to harp on about muslims, but did anybody else notice the news refused to mention religion?? And this was ITV not even the BBC.



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who said it was about religion? The question was whether an Iranian Kurd should marry an Iraqi Kurd, wasn't it?
they are all i retract that because it is an insult to animals.......evil is the word im looking for.
Murdering your own daughter and dumping her in a suitcase.............. very honourable.
jno - though this case wasn't about religion the honour killing debate must at some point cover religion as it is something that only seems to occur within muslim families.
Because her father believed that his daughter brought shame on the family name she was murdered.

Sick B*******

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Iggy B.

About 6 years ago, my cousin was seeing a girl in Glasgow. Her brothers attacked him with an iron bar. They also broke one of HER ribs.

The reason: he's Catholic, she's Protestant.
>Her brothers attacked him with an iron bar. They also >broke one of HER ribs. The reason: he's Catholic, she's >Protestant.

Ah yes religion, brings so much peace and love to the world.
horrible stuff indeed - sad that religion is perverted by some to incite violence on other religions but NJOK this case of so called honour killing is different to your example as all involved were muslim (the family, the boyfriend, the abusive ex husband) so the attack wasn't based on religious hatred rather it was based on a cultural phenomenon of killing to possibly try and maintain family honour - to debate or understand how this culture has developed a discussion of the muslim faith is needed at some point as religion and culture are to some extent intertwined, this is especially true of the muslim faith i would suggest
It's a barbaric practise, reminiscent of The Dark Ages. Any culture that does not vocally condemn and act to stop this behaviour cannot really object when liberal minded westerners, like myself, view it as the action of savage mysogynists..
it is very sick
Hmmm, another reason why we shouldnt let this Shariah law be implemetned over here...
Would duels (pistols at dawn sort of thing) be counted as honour killings? And gangs killing over 'disrespect'?

It doesn't seem that honour killings are an exclusively muslim or religious thing. Just murdering for revenge. I agree with whoever it was (in the police?) a while back who said that we should not call these 'honour killings' - it's just murder.

And as stokeace says, calling a murderer an animal would be an insult to animals.
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Why should they be deported?

If they're British and have committed a crime in the UK, why not arrest them, try them and if convicted, jail them?

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Aren't atheists supposed to the ones without morals?

There is no evil too great that can't be excused by religion.

Ironic really.

It would be funny if it wasn't so despicable.
Do you not think sp1814 that the illegal immigrant African sub-human, who allegedly knifed that policeman to death, should be deported if found guilty of the crime?
Absolutely not!

If you were the family of the policeman, wouldn't you want to ensure that if found guilty, the killer was brought to justice in a British jali?

If you commit a crime in the UK, you should be tried here and serve your sentence here. Same as those British backpackers who 'accidentally' smuggle heroin into Malaysia.

Incidentally, I wouldn't instantly assume someone is subhuman because they're a murderer. Maybe of they were a cannibal (like that German fella a couple of years ago), but not simply for being a murderer.

Let me put it to you - if someone you knew had been murdered, wouldn't you feel a twinge of injustice if they were sent packing to spend time in a foreign jail, not knowing whether or not the local laws would set them free in a couple of years?

We don't even know whether this fella was from a 'friendly' nation.

Nah. You commit the crime here, you do the time here. Simple as that.

Once the time is served, he can be processed by the immigration and naturalisation services as normal, and that's when he should be deported.
This is one of those unusual occasions when I agree 100% with sp1814. You do the crime here you do the time here, end of.

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