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Spice Girls reunion

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mattie | 21:33 Fri 22nd Jun 2007 | News
12 Answers
I read in the news that the Spice Girls are being paid �10 million each to reform. Obviously, if I was one of them I would take it in an instant.

What I don't understand is who came up with idea to pay 4 people with at best minimal talent this amount of money?


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Sorry, I believe it is all five of them, and they each get private jets for travel between concerts.
They were never talented from the word go, in fact when I first heared their record on the radio (what ever it was called) about mid late ninetys, I thaught they were just some backing singers for an otherwise synth. instumental.
I think Baby spice is the only one with anything like a singing voice!
why does the stick insect need the money?she cant sing.......or is she going to be used as a microphone stand?thats posh by the way lol
Oh God, nooooooooooooooooooooo.
A cynical attempt to extract more revenue from the "brand". They were rubbish first time round - i hope this last outing bombs but I doubt it.
they are pants but I disagree the only one who can sing is mel c
Yea, she gets credit for being able to hold a tune quite well when I think about it. Her solo stuff is quite acceptable, that's 'cos I like rock music. But Baby has the glam over the rest of them, but that's just my opinion. After all "glam" was realy all they were ever about wasn't it?
ive heard worse tho lol
Don't let them sing live please.

Apparently they needed a lot of help in the studios from the backroom people.

I agree about Mel C being the best singer. Baby has the looks, but a pretty weak voice.
Strange but true, none of this would even be appropiate in the "music" section. Sort of explains things.
I heard a rumour ages ago that they never technically spilt up because their contracts stipulated that they had to support a greatest hits album.

A mate of mine who works in the music industry explained that this is the reason a hits album (which would've sold bucket-loads when they went their separate ways) was never released.

I think we should all buy lots of tinned goods, put up blackout curtains, switch off our tellies and radios and wait until it's all over.
Personally I don't think that person will recoup their millions in revenue. I hate to say it but think it will flop.

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