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stokemaveric | 18:27 Sat 11th Aug 2007 | News
141 Answers
so the portugese police say that they may now beliveve that the little girl may now be dead.if they had handled the case better in the first place maybe she wouldnt.or if the parents had not left her alone maybe she wouldnt what a mess and what a waste of a young life if she is no longer with us.all involved should hang their heads in shame,and whoever is responsible should be hung.i know this post has been on here many times but someone should be accountable.i hope they are wrong and she is safe somewhere.


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leg end
you really are like minter, but without 1/4 of his intelligence
as i said john.

show some respect for the missing child.

save your irresponsible ramblings .

i can only hope enough users report your nasty , stupid posts on this thread.

i wont bother .

im happy to let people see exactly the kind of man you are.

will they be impressed ?

i very much doubt it.

will they be surprised ?

im sure theyre used to your inane ramblings and personal insults.

will i lose any sleep over a sad man posting abuse at me ?

well dont hold your breath , unless youve got a death wish .
It does make grim reading yes, but I am reserving judgement. Like I've already said, whether it's because i don't want to believe the parents had anything to do with her disappearance or not, I've no idea.
i will now return to the body of the post.

i think , and have said many times , theres something not right about the parents.

i cant put my finger on it .

but they dont ring true.

as for robert murat.

he appears to be someone with an interest in small children , which is not only illegal but i find totally disgusting.

do i suspect murat more than the parents ?

without any evidence i am doing as the police will be .

as they would in the uk too.

im ruling everybody a potential suspect until evidence proves conclusively who is guilty.

if that makes me a halfwit then so be it.

but at least im being both honest and sensible.
Not doing a good job of ignoring me are you leg end, truth hurts does it??
as i said .

sad sad man.

stokemaveric im sorry this has happened on your thread.

please accept my apologies for the disgusting behaviour of john lam,bert in his persuance of an arguement with me .

sadly hes a man posessed.

i can only apologise and hope you understand .
come on people. Can we debate without abuse and swearing? This is an emotive subject but as long as freedom of speech prevails, can we post our opinion without the profane onslaughts?

That said, on Google Earth, the distance between the tapas bar and the children's bedroom is something close to 80 metres, not to mention that that particular room is around the other side of the building, out of sight.
Would the McCann's have left a bicycle like that?
Would they have left their car, door ajar, like that?

I don't believe they are suspects but one can't blame the police for investigating them as such.

If what the press has reported is accurate, the Portuguese police have made errors that for a first world country is insane.

One more thing. I seem to recall a few weeks ago when the accusations against Robert Murat were dying down that a tv bulletin reported one of the McCann friends accusing him of peering into a window at her before Madeleine's disappearance. That was the first I'd heard of it. I thought Murat came to police attention because of suspicious British journalists reminded of Ian Huntley's behaviour.
Gina are you sayin then that if a third party is found to have abducted Madelaine, then the only people who should face trial is the parents? That sounds a bit nuts to me.

I let my cat out unaccompanied, she got shot, therefore it is my fault that some **** shot her.

I left my bike unattended it got stolen therefore its my fault it got stolen.

Child abduction under these circumstances has happened roughly 6 times a year since 1940, its not exactly something you shouyld worry about. Of course as parents we do but I think fire etc should have been a big enough worry for them to not leave the apartmen and eat on t'other side of complex but lets get things i perspective. If a third party was involved they deserve some of the blame, the majority infact being apportioned to them.
WOW Stoke,

Looks like we really started something here !!!!!!!
im all for blaming those responsible.

but until an abductor is caught and found guilty , the only ones responsible at the moment are the parents for deserting 3 toddlers for a night out.

until things change they are ultimately responsible.

good post nikki btw
salas if ypou go to main news page and scroll down i had similar posts about maddy.

in fact im accused of obsession because i dont post hang murat in every post.

i post thinking of the child.

not the parents or anyone else.

her safety is paramount and thats my point.
I totally agree Legend, I hope they find her as well but at some point the finger needs to pointed.

We all have opinions. I also think that Murat is possibly going to be a scapegoat as he is abit odd.

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salas its a very emotional topic and yes we have provoked a rather vigorous debate i ythink this week will be an important week with the dna results from the blood found in the room but surely this should have been found at the start of the investigation hence the critisism of the police handling of the case,and yes legend her safety is paramount but im afraid i fear the worst case scenario is about to unfold...........................
as for the earlier spat.

im used to it by now.

hope you didnt mind?
Whatever you think about the rights and wrongs of what the McCanns did, it seems to me that they're doing all they can to get her back.

It takes a special sort of person to sit down at their computer and spend the time and effort to get on their high horse and write a message slagging them off.

And the name for that sort of person is a "c*nt".
and a special sort of person to bother posting such a pointless post eh njok??

youve said your piece.

good night.
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njok if it wasnt for their actions in the first place they wouldnt be fighting to get her back now would they?
has anyone thought that possibly their guilt over leaving her in the room alone is what is driving them? I can only admire (yes admire!) their tireless media campaign in keeping this story 'alive'.

I know I personally would be a physical wreak and possibly unable to even get out of bed each day- their drive is admirable.
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i agree boo but why should they come out of this smelling of roses?i really feel for them as a parent.its certainly a position any of us would ever want to be put in.
Hasn't anyone reported johnlambert as being abusive/profane/swearing etc. We don't need that here.

I also wonder why the abductor (if there is one) couldn't put the parents (and us) out of our misery by saying that she WAS abducted but is safe. Or do they think that this might lead to them getting caught?

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