Because under this pathetic Labour government we have become so used to kids getting shot it is not news any more.
Labour have removed the word "govern" from government, they no longer govern. There are loads of problems in this country but they seem to do nothing about them.
They'd bring back capital punishment and all the hoodlums and thugs would instantanly get the wind up like the cowardly swine they are and would buck up their ideas and get decent jobs as accountants!
It doesn't matter one jot what opposition parties say they would do about the problems facing our nation. The only party that matters is the one in government.
Sambro. Are you saying that because the Tories could do no better, it is okay for the Labour government to totally screw this country.
For the last ten years we have had probably the worst government in the history of Britain. Their only answers seem to be to either throw money at it or tax it, neither of which is ever the answer.
I suppose Lucy that your too young to remember what it was like to live in Thatchers Britain in the late 70's/early 80's.
It was champagne and caviar every day, as the miners and steelworkers will tell you. The poll tax riots never happened and we didnt have 3 million unemployed and interest rates didn't go up to 15% overnight and they didn't increase vat from 15% to 17.5% either.