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So, is it one rule for women sex offenders then?

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Postdog | 19:22 Fri 25th Apr 2008 | News
47 Answers
Had this been a bloke, I bet you he'd be inside by now. don/7366909.stm


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If she isn't a paedophile, then explain why a 36 year old woman would want to perform sex acts on a 14 year boy.
For a laugh?
Be difficult to laugh when someone's got there....
So judging from some of the replies on here.. yes it is one rule for women sex offenders and one for men. It seems people think thats its amusing when its a woman
Mycats>do you think the effect is different if the victim is a 14 year old girl compared to a 14 year old boy?
No I am just thinking would people be on here making jokes about it if it had been a man abusing a little girl? sadly some probably would
There is a hell of a difference in those two cases postdog.The first is a one off incident(as far as I know) and the second went on for 40 years and the kids involved were younger.The two just don't compare!
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So what you saying? I can go out and chat to a 14 year old girl, ply her with treats etc, and ultimately seduce her sexually, but providing I only do it once I'll get let off!

I don't think so...
It has happened, as you will see in the links that Ethel posted. It don't think she should have gotten away without a custodial sentence but she did,and so have many men who have done similar things.
Postdog>you know she didn't say that, why are you twisting her words to suggest she did?
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Reading Ethels post, (a) the judge has let off loads of people, including someone who did something with and 8 year old (no way that is on!) and (b) it was the girl who seduced the bloke. I am talking about predators, people whose aim is to have sex, and it doesn't matter whether that is just the once or many times.
So are you saying that it is ok for an adult male to have sex with a female 12 year old child as long as she seduced him then?

Your original question was saying that in the same scenario as the woman in the cinema, if the offender had been a man he would be inside,Ethel's link proves that to be far from the case.As I said in my first answer to you,it very much depends on the judge in each case.
No comment. Only that the judge's name made me laugh. You couldn't make it up....
Which one did you find funny max, Judge Roach in Ethel's link or judge Niblett in postog's link?
They are both quite funny in different
Judge Trollope, in the first BBC link....sorry!
Ha,these judges should change their names to something more
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I am saying as the law stands, if it is against the law to do something, then it is against the law, that's all. It is not OK for me or anyone else to have sex with a kid, even if they provided the opportunity or incentive, and I know that, just as this woman should have known. The difference here is that the boy didn't make the running, the woman did - as such, she committed a crime and should be banged up.
I agree she should be banged up,so why are we arguing again??? lol

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