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pip 40 | 14:07 Sun 01st Jun 2008 | News
13 Answers
anyone remeber the 2001 riots in the uk? and will that never happen again?


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I can't remember what riots you're refering to but I remember the Brixton riots in 1981.
Werent they the ones in Oldham?
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yes they were in oldham and im for there.
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I mean im from there.
Well that's up north. Do you remember Broadwater farm or the Bristol riots.

Basically I suppose I am saying yes, they can happen again anywhere in the country.
It was something to do with racial tension between asians and anglo-saxons in a tit-for-tat event over someone beating someone else up and escalating from there.

Yes ,of course it can happen again. Multi-culturalism simply doesnt work - on both sides of the fence.
I remember the riots outside my nearest branch of Ikea.

The clear inference is that capitalism simply doesn't work.
all it would take is another attack on an asian by a white person or vice versa.
yes thats a fair comparison *rolls eyes*
All it would take is one more racial attack?

They happen all the time!

Yet riots are rare - you've gone back 7 years!

That suggests that in general it does work
If you mean the ones in Bradford - I was caught in the middle of them - and dont believe everything you read either
On the 26th of May 2001, a meeting of far right group Combat 18, football hooligans and a local mob known as the Fine Young Casuals at the Lark public house was broken up by the police at 3pm.
They were dispersed, but then went on to get drunk and agitate and provoke the local mainly **** stani community. Police subsequently arrested 12 people, most of whom had BNP connections. They were later jailed, but their actions sparked the ensuing riots. 2989134.stm
Unfortunately, something similar could happen again, because there is no shortage of thugs in the BNP and a good race riot is all they live for.

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