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Gang culture

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anotheoldgit | 10:08 Tue 09th Dec 2008 | News
63 Answers
Guns, Knives, and now gang rapes.

When are these gangs going to be cleared from our streets?

Is it any wonder people are leaving this once pleasant land? 6/Schoolgirl-learning-difficulties-gang-raped- scarred-acid.html

The attackers were all members of a gang calling themselves 'Tugs From Around', meaning thugs from several parts of North London.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/First-pictures-schoolboys-jailed-gang-raping -girl-14-horrifying-punishment-attack.html

The rapists were a junior branch of a notorious east London gang known as the Kingzhold Boys.



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So one in the whole of the sixties, unlike now one or more every week. I'm not denying that gangs haven't always been around just that it is much worse with the black gang culture we have at present.
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Do you really think that this is only a problem in the UK!! It's a problem in all large cities world wide. Where would you suggest going AOG? I do live in rural East Anglia and as yet we don't have much of a problem, but would agree that there is a problem in our large cities.

I am a Londoner by birth and regularly go back and yes, it has changed and I don't like it - but I am not stupid enough to think that only the UK is suffering.
One to many don't you think.
You go on and deal with it in your own way.
And ignore the rest of my thread completely.
Yes there are problems but none that have not existed for centuries in one form or another.
Of course it's not only a prpblem in the UK. No prizes for guessing the world capital of violent crime - Jamaica.
Doc- I fail to see what being an Oldham Lad (lad??) has to do with anything....

I think we all agree that there does seem to be an increase in gang culture, no one's denying that. I just refuse to lay the blame soley at the feet of immigrants or black youths. I'm twitchy about walking past any group of youths on the streets, in my area these are white youths who beat to death a girl who just happens to dress differently to them.
I agree with you Tigerlilly. There have always been gangs for the reasons you say. But it is much worse than it was - much, much worse. I used to happilly go out in Bedford (where I lived) at night when I was young in the 60's/70s and there would be fights and incidents and you had to take some care - nowadays I wouldn't dream of venturing out after dark. I was quite a tearaway myself and not all my friends were very savoury, but guns and knivings were virtually unheard of.
I agree entirely BOO. It's not all down to immigrants. I have lived in an area which had a huge immigrant population - in fact we were the odd ones out. I was never frightened.

Its just a sad fact of the times that we are getting more and more violent - values are breaking down generally in the developed world.

It's far from being a UK problem only.
I'd check out the statistics if I were you.
At the last count jamiaca was third on the list. ap-crime-murders-per-capita
tigerlily - I think it is you who should be checking your statistics, your are 8 to 10 years out of date.
Something a little more up to date: ng_article/article4425875.ece
Coincidence or (more likely) culture?
You make me laugh you really do.

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I like making people laugh tigerlily. You find being proven wrong funny?
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Don't you just love it when some chatterbank morons post their childish nonsense in News?
An example of the intelligence level we aredealing with: stion668061.html
This is (apparantely) a grown man, believe it or not.
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It is true that things are changing all over the world. More in few than other countries but fact is they are. Immigration is not the only problem and perhaps up to certain level immigration is the need of this country but that is a different subject all together.

First of all we should look at the reasons. I believe that main reason for all the problems are drinking, drugs, violent movies and video game and more than any thing else broken or not caring families. We tend to back up our kids for whatever they might be doing.

Finally there should be a bit more severe punishment otherwise these things would never be controlled.
Was it the white population of the UK who started "sticking" boyz for not showing "nuff respect" or "dissing". Think not.
Noo Labour have alot to answer for. Multiculurism will never work, and thsi has been proven,

This country has had it. Bottelr and Blair have seen to that.

In 50 yrs Britain will just be a small island in Europe. What a terrible waste of lives in 2 world wars. They should have just handed it over to the Germans, I doubt we would have been in this situation now.

Lefites, I hope you enjoy what you have created. However the last laugh may be on us. Islam actually hates most of you who consits of Ms's or homosexulas or pinko b*stards you will be persecuted to extinction. Good riddence to you all.

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When are you hand wringing leffties going to wake up and admit that it is not the colour of their skin, but their whole culture that makes them the savages they are.

I must admit that along with the black music and drug scene, some of our own youth are now beginning copy some of the black culture, but to commit crimes like this even they would draw the line at.

Not all murders by feral youngters are commited by black or ethnics.

This was done by our own 'darling white' yoof of today....

In your link I saw 2 white scum staring out at me, but in my 2 links there are 3 black creatures in the first and 2 black creatures in the second, and all in all there were 20 creatures involved in the two cases.

Regarding the 60s I was there and there never was the horrible crimes that we have now, yes the Teddy Boys and Mods and rockers carried knives but hardly ever used them only to commit acts of vandalism, and at the worse they scarded a few faces.

Hanging was still in force in the 60s, if it was as bad in the 60s as it is now (as some suggest), we would have needed quite a few hangmen to get rid of the back-log.

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