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Hamas War Crimes??

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R1Geezer | 08:58 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | News
66 Answers
Siting rocket launchers etc in schools and hospitals, ie using their own children as shields etc. Then using the innevitable collateral damage as propganda. Deliberately targetting civilians with 8000 rockets. Are Hamas committing war crimes?


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R1, to answer your question and not diviate. In my opinion yes they are. So where are all the usual suspects ? Where are the anti war brigade condemming them.

Problem is Israel is not good in your average liberal lefties eyes. Amazing how people condone terrorism, perhaps if 8000 shells had been aimed at their house they might have a different view. But thats of course is not likely to happen to an armchair or coffe shop in Islington is it.

And for the record I dont like 4*2's either, had plenty of grief from them in the past.
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well I hate all religion so this to me is merley a question of logic. If I threw a brick over my neighbours fence and a ton of bricks came back, I think I'd get the message PDQ!

If your neighbour stole your house, garden and district, would you just give up and say fine?

If your neighbour built a 24 wall around your house and blockaded food, medicine and whether you could go about your business, would you give up and say fine?

If your neighbour ignored all the authorities orders to stop doing this, would you give up and say fine?
So Geezer following your analogy if someone threw a brick into someone elses garden that would excuse them setting fire to that persons house at night and burning hin, his wife and children to death?

Do you have any concept of proportionality at all?
Question Author
No Gromit I would not, but, (now read my previous post) I think I'd have to concede that force is not an option for me at least until I am armed suitably. I would find other means, perhaps even talking! It is also possible that I would go to the extremely rich neighbour down the road who could perhaps supply me with Tons of bricks too and perhaps make a fair fight of it, but it would seem that although they share my relgion they seem to be very reluctant to give me the same weapons as my errant neighbour.

I know Israel is out of order in a lot of ways but what I cannot fathom is the way Hamas and co carry on, they would get the world on their side almost totally if they could just stop antagonising Israel.

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not at all Jake, I'm not trying to justify the response, I'm just saying that if it did happen then I'd be deterred from that particular tactic, why is that so difficult to follow?

they are firing rockets into their own occupied land, the towns and villages they are able to reach were arab towns and villages that were mowed down, rebuilt, illegally and resettled, the arab citizen's murdered or driven to a neighboring country or gaza. under u.n. resolution 194 and the universal declaration of human rights article 13 section 2 there are some 385 towns and villages where the villagers have the right to return home to their personal property and their native villages. israel and the rest of civilized society have agreed to this, israel refuses to comply.
What is needed is a process akin to the Good Friday agreement.

But that requires people who won't even talk to each other at the moment to actually give in on previously long held positions of dogma.

Unpalatable things like release of prisoners, destruction of weapons. etc.

Looking at the middle East makes you realise just how much Blair and Mo Molem actually achieved in Northern Ireland
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easy jake, all they did was give McGuiness and Adams an office and an expense account. Suddenly terrorism doesn't seem so inviting!
^ ^
Ignorance is bliss
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well you seem very Blissfull Gromit. Run out of argument have we? Cannot fault the logic? I get that a lot!
No, I do not agree that the Israeli/Palestine Conflict will be solved by giving someone an Office and expense account.
what an excellent post from maxximus

please dont forget to look at that video clip when you get home R1. you will see a young child on an israeli vehicle used as a human shield

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Geezer says, They should talk to their neighbour.

Well that neighbour who have ignored all of the world, UNO resolutions for decades. Would listen to the ones they have kicked out of their homes and occupied.

Geezer say, they should get suitable arms to fight against Israel and their rich neighbour down the road should supply them that.

Well, I am not sure about the neighbours, someone has supplied them fire work kind of rockets and three countries have gone under sanction by the same UNO who could not convince Israel to act upon resolutions

In fact Geezer is saying that might is right and every one just shut up. But I do like the way he says that Palestinian children are usually killed due to an error by Israeli soldiers. I am not sure how much error you need to shoot a bullet through a 5 years old head or heart who is only 5 yards away from you.
Dr � don�r count on Geezer to go home and watch the video clip and as a result agree with what you are saying. I know him very well (unfortunately) he would say that Israelis were so nice that they gave a Palestinian child a ride on their tank as a gesture of goodwill.
that's funny gromit, in this case the expense account and office should probably be taken away. some say aid is as high as 5.5 billion and probably quite the snappy office no doubt. thanx drfilth.
and please dont forget the child that held up a white flag

what does a white lag mean ?

Means you surrender

Means PLEASE dont shoot me

::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

for lag read flag

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The Jews are right,the Muslims are right On and on and on. Can't you see what religion is doing to us ?
Gromit...boundary analogy. UK Gov expands Hrow with new terminal, destroying Sipson village. Occupants of Sipson object but Gov ignore. Homes, villages, boundaries demolished for airport ��s.

Compare Sipson with Palestine boundary. The Israeli occupation of part of formerly Palestine 1937 here:

The Ottoman Empire was defeated and the world has moved on!

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